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Luck & Logic Trading Card Game Gets English Version This Summer

posted on by Crystalyn Hodgkins
Japanse version of TCG ships on January 28

Bushiroad has announced that it will release an English version of the Luck and Logic trading card game this summer.

The company will release the Japanese version of the card game on January 28 with two starter decks and a booster pack. Each starter deck will come with 60 cards, and the booster pack will have seven cards.

Before Bushiroad is releasing the trading card game in Japan, the company demoed the game at various events, allowing 4,000 people to preview the game. The company plans to do the same thing with the English release of the game, and it already held a demo event for 200 people at Anime Festival Asia in Singapore in November.

The Luck and Logic project is a collaboration between Bushiroad, Bandai Visual, Dōga Kōbō Nitroplus, Lantis, and Yuhodo. A television anime series premiered in Japan on January 9.

The anime and game are set in a world where a concept known as "Logic" governs all aspects of life, including emotions, talent, memories, and even gods. The website describes the story:

In L.C. 922, people faced a sudden crisis.

In Tetra Heaven, the land of legend, a hundred years of war had come to a close. The gods who lost the war searched for a new place to live, and found it in Septpia, the human world, which they proceeded to attack. The Logicalists attached to ALCA, a special police agency whose duty it was to protect cities from assaults by foreigners (angels), were compelled to act in defense of cities, whether they wished to or not.

And depending on their ability, Logicalists could initiate trances with goddesses from the other world, and stand a fighting chance on the battlefield.

A civilian named Yoshichika Tsurugi, who lacked "Logic" and lived happily with his family, was caught up in an attack, and took shelter along with many people. He meets a beautiful goddess named Athena. In her hands, she had the "Logic" that Yoshichika lacked. Now both Yoshichika and Athena head to their destiny.

Kōichi Chigira (Gate Keepers, Full Metal Panic!, Ryo) and Takashi Naoya (A Certain Scientific Railgun S, Selector Infected Wixoss episode animation director) are directing the anime at Dōga Kōbō. Funimation is streaming the series in North America as it airs. Crunchyroll is streaming the series in Spain and Portugal, and Daisuki and Anime Lab are also streaming the series outside of North America.

Source: Anime! Anime!

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