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Final Fantasy XIV MMORPG Gets Mobile Version

posted on by Rafael Antonio Pineda
Lightspeed Studios develops game, with planned playtests & launch in China before global release

Square Enix announced Final Fantasy XIV Mobile, a new version of its Final Fantasy XIV MMORPG for iOS and Android devices, on Wednesday. Lightspeed Studios is developing the game, with the game officially licensed from and supervised by Square Enix. Final Fantasy XIV producer and director Naoki Yoshida introduces the game's trailer below:

The game will have "multiple playtests" in China, and will also launch in China first, with a worldwide release planned after the China launch. The announcement did not reveal a launch date.

Square Enix released Final Fantasy XIV Online for personal computers in September 2010. After criticism from fans, the company revealed an updated version of the game titled Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn that added a new world and story. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn launched on Windows PC and PlayStation 3 in August 2013, on PlayStation 4 in April 2014, and on PlayStation 5 in May 2020. Square Enix has since released five expansions: "Heavensward" in June 2015, "Stormblood" in June 2017, "Shadowbringers" in July 2019, "Endwalker" in December 2021, and "Dawntrail" on July 2 earlier this year. The game has recorded 30 million registered accounts worldwide as of January 2024.

The game launched for Xbox Series X|S on March 21. The Xbox version features faster loading and 4K support.

Square Enix announced in February 2022 that it will continue support for the MMORPG for the next 10 years.

Source: Final Fantasy XIV Mobile game's website via Hachima Kikō

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