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Compile Heart, neilo's Sci-Fi Shooter Game Scar-Lead Salvation Gets English Release

posted on by Anita Tai
PC release launches via Steam on May 29

Idea Factory International announced on X (formerly Twitter) on Friday it will bring Compile Heart and neilo's sci-fi roguelite shooter game Scar-Lead Salvation to PC via Steam in English on May 29.

Compile Heart released a Japanese announcement trailer on Thursday.

The game will feature English and Japanese audio, with support for English, Japanese, Spanish (Spain), French, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese.

The game will launch in Japan for PlayStation 4 digitally, and for PlayStation 5 digitally and at retail, on May 29. The PS5 will get a special physical edition, which includes a box with exclusive art by marumoru, an art and design book, a metal card case, the soundtrack CD, a prop staff ID card, and two serial number stickers.

Source: Idea Factory International's X/Twitter account via Gematsu

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