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Attack on Titan's Levi Statue at Creator's Hometown Unveiled

posted on by Lynzee Loveridge

A life-sized bronze statue of Attack on Titan's Captain Levi was unveiled in front of the JR Hita Station in Hita City of Oita Prefecture, the hometown of the series creator Hajime Isayama, last Saturday.

Isayama commented on the unveiling, "He is the most popular character that has supported Attack on Titan all the way, and I'm indebted to him. I hope he is pleased."

Levi is the fourth Attack on Titan character to receive a bronze statue in Hita City. Previously, statues of Eren, Armin, and Mikasa as children have been erected at Ōyama DAM. The statues were funded by a crowdfunding campaign between August and October 2019 that raised over 29 million yen (approximately US$267,000).

You can check out the unveiling ceremony for the statues at Ōyama DAM in the video below:

Source: Livedoor news via Esuteru

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