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Production I.G Makes Shinjuku-ku Kabuki-chō TV Anime About Nightlife in Fictionalized Tokyo District

posted on by Egan Loo
My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU's Ai Yoshimura directs show teased with both suspense, comedy

Anime studio Production I.G announced on Friday that it is launching an original television anime project set in "Shinjuku-ku Kabuki-chō" (Shinjuku Ward's Kabuki-chō District), tentatively titled "Kabuki-chō no Yatsu" (The Denizens of Kabuki-chō). The setting is a fictionalized version of Tokyo's real-life Kabuki-chō district.

The East Side of Shinjuku Ward … The neon-lit Kabuki-chō district stretches across the center of this chaotic city. Where light shines, there are also deep shadows. The curtains rise on this night stage where bizarre murders occurred! Is this suspense? No, comedy? An indistinguishable drama is about to begin….

Ai Yoshimura (My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU, Dance with Devils) is directing, and Taku Kishimoto (Joker Game, 91 Days, ERASED ) is in charge of the series scripts. Toshiyuki Yahagi (Joker Game, Persona 5 the Animation -The Day Breakers-) is designing the characters.

The anime's Twitter account adds that the final title cannot be revealed yet. The account also retweeted a post by animator Kyōko Kotani who said she is working on the project, but emphasized that the title has yet to be decided, "due to various circumstances."

Sources: "Kabuki-chō no Yatsu" anime's official website, MoCa News

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