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One-Punch Man's ONE, Kiyoto Shitara Publish 2nd Chapter of Bugego Manga

posted on by Rafael Antonio Pineda
1st chapter published in April 2023

Image via Kiyoto Shitara's Twitter account
The second volume of Shueisha's Young Jump Dai Ichiwa magazine supplement published the second chapter of manga creators ONE (One-Punch Man, Mob Psycho 100) and Kiyoto Shitara's (Katagimodoshi) Bug Ego manga on Thursday alongside this year's seventh issue of Weekly Young Jump. The magazine noted the manga is being turned into a serialization, but it is not clear if Shueisha will continue to publish the manga only in the irregularly published supplement or not.

The pair published the first chapter in the first volume of the Young Jump Dai Ichiwa magazine supplement in April 2023. The supplement, whose title literally translates to "Young Jump Chapter One," consists of a collection of "first chapters" for manga that their creators envision to be serialized, and readers vote on which manga gets an actual serialization in the main Weekly Young Jump magazine. Bug Ego was not part of that contest, but nevertheless ran a "first chapter" concept in the supplement. The second volume of Young Jump Dai Ichiwa also contains a new round of "first chapters" for readers to vote on.

ONE launched the Mob Psycho 100 manga on Shogakukan's Ura Sunday service in 2012 and later on Shogakukan's Manga ONE app in 2014. He ended the series in December 2017 with 16 volumes. The manga has inspired three television anime seasons, the third of which premiered in October 2022. The manga also inspired a live-action series that premiered on Netflix in Japan in January 2018 and outside Japan in May 2018.

Yūsuke Murata and ONE launched the One-Punch Man manga on Shueisha's free "Tonari no Young Jump" website in 2012. The series is a remake of ONE's original web manga of the same name. Shueisha published the manga's 29th compiled book volume in November 2023. Viz Media published the manga's 27th volume on Tuesday. The first season of the manga's anime adaptation aired in Japan from October to December 2015. The second season began with a television special in April 2019, then the first episode premiered one week later. The anime will have a third season. The entertainment industry news website Deadline reported in June 2022 that that Sony Pictures is setting up Justin Lin to direct a live-action film adaptation of the manga.

Souce: Weekly Young Jump issue 7

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