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Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin Game Gets TV Anime by P.A. Works in 2024

posted on by Egan Loo
Edelweiss' 2020 side-scrolling action RPG already inspired manga

A website and X (formerly Twitter) account opened on Saturday to announce that a television anime adaptation of developer Edelweiss' side-scrolling action role-playing game Sakuna: Of Rice And Ruin (Tensui no Sakuna Hime) has been green-lit. P.A. Works is animating the production for a premiere later this year on TV Tokyo and its affiliates.

Image via Sakuna: Of Rice And Ruin anime's website

Sakuna: Of Rice And Ruin launched for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC in November 2020. XSEED Games released the game in English, and it describes the story:

Players take on the role of Sakuna, a proud yet lonely harvest goddess who is banished to a dangerous island with a group of outcast humans. Sakuna tames the island by defeating demons using farm tools as weapons while chaining attacks with her “celestial scarf,” a magical item that allows her to grapple distant enemies and platforms.

Jiji & Pinch launched the Tensui no Sakuna Hime: Ikusa Datara no Kamigami manga adaptation in November 2021 and ended it in November 2022. Marvelous supervised the manga.

Source: Comic Natalie

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