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Hero's Inc.'s Re;zz Label to Launch New BL Web Magazine on April 29

posted on by Joanna Cayanan
Magazine to feature BL stories by Tezuka, Hachini, Ame Seto, Sū, Yui Amano, more

Hero's Inc. BL (boys' love) label Re;zz revealed on Monday that it will launch the first issue of its BL web magazine also titled Re;zz on April 29. Re;zz will release the first issue in advance on the Comic CMOA website at a limited price, and it will debut on other online bookstores at a later date. From the second volume onwards, the magazine will be released every other month on even-numbered months.

Image via Re;zz label's website

The magazine will publish short stories among others. Tezuka is in charge of the first issue's cover illustration, and will have a short publication in the magazine. Other manga authors featured in the magazine include Hachini, Setoame, Sū, Yui Amano, Tona Fujise, Komichi, Yorunaku., and Eda Hachigo (name romanization not confirmed).

Hero's Inc. announced in October that it would launch its boys' love label Re;zz, as well as its accompanying manga label Re;zz comics, in the first half of 2025.

The label name is intended to be pronounced and evoke the Gen Z and Gen Alpha term "rizz," used to refer to someone that has charisma or romantic appeal. The "Re" in the label's name is intended to evoke repetition. According to Hero's Inc., the label's objective is to showcase the individuality of creators, and for readers to discover and enjoy that individuality.

Ahead of the official launch of the label, the first works to launch under the label were the first compiled book volume of Hachini's Yū-chan manga on November 28, and the digital edition of Hachini's Umi no Oshiro on December 25.

Update: Corrected the meaning of the slang term "rizz." Thanks SinisterOracle and PotatoGirl

Sources: Re;zz label's X/Twitter account, Comic Natalie

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