The Gamindustri Goddesses Arrive onto Planet Emote in Neptunia Virtual Stars
LOS ANGELES, CA., December 9, 2020 – The Gamindustri Goddesses are ready to take on the Anti! We are excited to announce that the official website for the the music-based hack ‘n’ slash game, Neptunia™ Virtual Stars, has been updated with the character profiles with the characters below!
Characters: Neptune, Noire, Blanc, and Vert
Check out the Gamindustri Godessess' profiles below!
Character Profiles:
Neptune is the main protagonist of the four Goddesses, and the Goddess of the Gamindustri nation of Planeptune.
This game might be a spin-off, but Neptune's level of positivity in it is equal to that of a mainline title. She's a bright, exuberant leader to those around her and really fills her role as the protagonist of all protagonists. As a lover of anime and the fine art of gaming, she is known to offer witticisms about the world around her.
Noire is the Goddess of the Gamindustri nation of Lastation. She is prideful, not often willing to let others know her true feelings. Her nature is antithetical to Neptune, towards whom she is usually cold. A textbook tsundere, through and through.
Blanc is the Goddess of the Gamindustri nation of Lowee. She loves to read, and doesn't speak out of turn very much. However, she is short-tempered. When agitated, she becomes curt and unafraid to speak her mind. She and Vert are known to butt heads due to their... size difference.
Vert is the Goddess of the Gamindustri nation of Leanbox. Among the four Goddesses, she is the most mature, renowned in Gamindustri for her illustrious golden hair and her incredible... proportions. She has eloquence and poise, with a nurturing and kind aura. Truthfully, however, she is a hardcore gamer and a committed otaku.
Enter Virtualand - a digital world that exists alongside the networks of various dimensions. Within Virtualand lies the planet Emote - a planet faced with extinction due to the maleficent group of Content destroyers known as Antis.
In an act of desperation, the Digital Goddess of the planet Emote, Faira, sends a distress signal to other dimensions in hopes to find a savior of this planet.
And the saviors that were reached? The rising Vtuber stars, Me and You, members of MEWTRAL, as well as the Goddesses of Gamindustri: Neptune, Noire, Blanc, and Vert!
Can MEWTRAL and the Goddesses band together and save the planet Emote from complete destruction?
Key Features
Switch Up & Keep Movin' – Seamlessly switch perspectives between the four Goddesses & playable VTubers in fast-paced hack 'n' slash battles. Rock enemies with lightning-fast combos and glide across the map to dodge incoming attacks.
Feel the BeatTik Rhythm – Keep tempo in the BeatTik rhythm game! Accessorize your favorite characters and have them groove to your favorite Neptunia Virtual Stars tracks. Record your performance onto your PS4 system, then use the video on the Video Battler section to unlock unique items, songs, and even more dance moves!
Take your EMOtions to Overdrive – The Emotional Overdrive special attack can bring the Goddesses and Vtubers to a harmonious victory. Fill up the Emote Gauge to activate your Emotional Overdrive and watch the Vtubers come to life. You may even find yourself receiving extra loot for your stunning performance!
Rescue a Vtuber, Save the Planet – Find and save the Vtubers scattered throughout Virtualand! Do you find yourself falling flat in battle? With the Guest Connect System, Vtubers can support you with their special powers to topple any enemy!