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Studio 4°C to Offer Mind Game, Genius Party in the US

posted on by Karen Ressler
Experimental film, animation anthology will be available on Netflix Japan

Studio 4℃'s official Twitter account stated on Saturday the Mind Game and Genius Party anime will be available in the United States. The company did not specify whether they will be available streaming, on home video, or through some other outlet.

Mind Game is a 2004 film directed by Masaaki Yuasa (Ping Pong, Kick-Heart) based on a manga by Robin Nishi. The film features a variety of experimental visual styles. The story follows Nishi, who wants to become a manga artist and marry his childhood sweetheart, Myon, but Myon is already engaged to someone else. Nishi goes to visit her family and runs into a pair of yakuza, kicking off an adventure.

Genius Party is an anthology of short films produced by Studio 4℃ and featuring directors such as Kōji Morimoto, Shinichirō Watanabe, Shōji Kawamori, Masaaki Yuasa, and Mahiro Maeda. The anthology was split into two parts—Genius Party and Genius Party Beyond—which opened in 2007 and 2008, respectively.

Netflix Japan will offer Mind Game and Genius Party when it launches on September 2.

Both Mind Game and Genius Party have been officially screened in the United States, but not streamed or released on home video. Madman Entertainment licensed Mind Game and Siren Visual licensed Genius Party in Australia.

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