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Final Fantasy XIV Game Reveals New Race, New Job, July 2 Launch for 'Shadowbringers' Expansion

posted on by Crystalyn Hodgkins
2 new areas, new alliance raid by NieR staff also revealed for expansion

Square Enix revealed at the Paris Fan Fest on Saturday for the Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn MMORPG that the game's previously revealed "Shadowbringers" expansion will launch on July 2, with pre-orders starting on February 6. The event also revealed an extended trailer for the expansion.

(English Version)

(Japanese Version)

The event also revealed a new "Gunbreaker" job, which is "a gunblade-wielding fighter that occupies the tank role."

The event also revealed the new race Viera. The Gunbreaker job and the Viera race will join the game with the expansion.

Square Enix also revealed two of the new areas that it will add with the expansion: Il Mheg and The Rak'tika Greatwood.

The expansion will include multiple new jobs, the new playable Viera race, battle system maintenance, new high-end raids, new areas, new gear, new recipes, and a new game+ mode to replay old content. With the release of the new expansion, Square Enix will end support for 32-bit Windows.

The event also revealed that the follow up to the Return to Ivalice alliance raid series will be "YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse" featuring NieR series staff Yōsuke Saitō and Yokō Tarō.

A collector's edition of the expansion will include an art box, a figure, an art book, a logo sticker, playing cards, and three in-game items. Those who pre-order the expansion will receive two in-game items and early access to play the expansion starting on June 28.

The game also recently added the Blue Mage job with the release of the first part of Patch 4.5 on January 8. The second part of the patch will launch in late March.

Square Enix released Final Fantasy XIV Online for personal computers in September 2010. After criticism from fans, the company revealed an updated version of the game titled Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn that added a new world and story. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn launched on Windows PC and PS3 in August 2013, and then on PS4 in April 2014. The game's companion app for iOS and Android launched in August.

Square Enix released the first expansion for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, titled Heavensward, in June 2015. The second expansion, Stormblood, launched in June 2017.

Square Enix announced in August that the game has 14 million registered accounts worldwide, including free-trial accounts.

The Final Fantasy XIV Dad of Light live-action television miniseries debuted on Netflix in the United States in September 2017.

Sources: Press release, Final Fantasy XIV's YouTube channel

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