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Actor Donald Sutherland Dies at 88

posted on by Rafael Antonio Pineda
Sutherland voiced roles in Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, 2009 Astro Boy film

Actor Donald Sutherland died on Thursday, June 20. He was 88. His son and fellow actor Kiefer Sutherland announced the news of his father's death.

Within Japanese-related media, Sutherland played Dr. Sid in the Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within film, as well as General Stone in the 2009 Astro Boy film.

Sutherland's career in Hollywood spanned more than 60 years, from action blockbusters and dramatic films to comedy and horror genre films. He starred in such films as The Dirty Dozen, M*A*S*H, Animal House, Klute, and Ordinary People, among many others. His most recent iconic role was President Snow in The Hunger Games franchise.

Sources: Kiefer Sutherland's Twitter account, IndieWire (Christian Blauvelt)

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