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Nihon Falcom Founder Masayuki Katō Dies at 78

posted on by Anita Tai
Chairperson also served as producer in company behind Ys, The Legend of Heroes, Trails games

Image via Falcom's X/Twitter
Nihon Falcom announced on Tuesday that its chairperson and founder Masayuki Katō died on Sunday. He had just stepped down from the company's board of directors on the same day. He was 78. A wake and funeral will be held for family and close relatives, who are not accepting gifts and messages at this time. There are plans for a more public service later.

Katō founded the company under the name Nihon Falcom in March 1981 and became its representative director. He later became the chairman of the board of directors in December 2023. He also served a producer for such games as 1985's Xanadu.

Falcom is known for its video game franchises including Ys, The Legend of Heroes, and the Trails series.

Sources: Falcom, Famitsu via Hachima Kikō

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