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Peleliu: Guernica of Paradise Anime Revealed as Film Opening on December 5

posted on by Crystalyn Hodgkins
Original manga creator Kazuyoshi Takeda pens screenplay alongside Junji Nishimura for WWII story

Toei announced on Thursday that the anime adaptation of Kazuyoshi Takeda's Peleliu: Guernica of Paradise (Peleliu: Rakuen no Guernica) manga will be an anime film that will open in Japan on December 5.

Gorō Kuji (Chained Soldier, episode director for The Fire Hunter) is directing the anime at Shinei Animation and Fugaku. Junji Nishimura (chief director of Chained Soldier; scriptwriter for A Lull in the Sea, True Tears, GLASSLIP) and original manga creator Kazuyoshi Takeda are writing the screenplay. Toei is distributing the film.

The anime adaptation was first announced in April 2021.

Image via Amazon
Takeda launched the manga in Young Animal in 2016 with story cooperation by historian Masao Hiratsuka. The main manga ended in the magazine in April 2021, and has 11 volumes. The manga was nominated for the 25th Annual Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize in 2021. The manga also won an award at the 46th Japan Cartoonist Awards in 2017.

The manga takes place during the Battle of Peleliu, a months-long battle that took place during World War II between the U.S. and Japan on the island of Peleliu in Palau. The manga takes place in the summer of 1944. Peleliu is a paradise with coral reefs and beautiful forests. Tamaru is a soldier who wants to become a manga creator. The manga depicts Tamaru's daily life during a drawn-out battle between Japan's approximately 10,000 troops and the U.S.'s 50,000 troops, exploring themes such as what the soldiers fight for when so far from home on a small island.

The manga inspired a spinoff titled Peleliu Gaiden that launched in Hakusensha's Young Animal magazine in March 2022. The spinoff is slated to end in the fourth volume around July 2025.

Sources: Peleliu: Guernica of Paradise anime's website, Comic Natalie

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