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FUNimation Acquires Additional Rights to Haganai

Flower Mound, TX – January 28, 2012 - FUNimation Entertainment announced today at Ohayocon that it has acquired the broadcast, home entertainment, merchandising, mobile and streaming rights to the anime series, HAGANAI (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai). FUNimation plans to release the HAGANAI series on DVD and Blu-ray. Watch full episodes on www.funimation.com.

Series synopsis:

Kodaka Hasegawa has just transferred to St. Chronica's Academy and he's having a hard time making friends. With his naturally blond hair and fierce looking eyes, people constantly mistake him for a delinquent. One day, he runs into his bad-tempered loner of a classmate, Yōzōra, while she's talking to her imaginary friend, Tomo. Since neither of them have any friends, they decide to form a club and start recruiting some. Little by little, lonely classmates join their club to learn how to build friendships through cooking together, playing games, and other group activities. But, with so many misfits, will the club members really be able to get along?

Additional information may be found at: http://www.funimation.com/haganai

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