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Sun-Ken Rock (manga)

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Alternative title:
サンケンロック (Japanese)
最強不良傳說 (Chinese (Taiwan))
Genres: action, comedy, drama, romance
Objectionable content: Intense
Plot Summary: A Japanese teenage guy, Ken Kitano, goes off after the girl he likes, Yumin, to Seoul, Korea. However, because of his immense fighting skills and his strong spirits he catches the eyes of a gang...
User Ratings: 27 ratings have been given [details]
 Masterpiece: 1 vote (Eng:1)
 Excellent: 11 votes (Eng:10, others:1
1 French
 Very good: 7 votes (Eng:7)
 Good: 4 votes (Eng:4)
 Decent: -
 So-so: -
 Not really good: 1 vote (Eng:1)
 Weak: 2 votes (Eng:2)
 Bad: 1 vote (Eng:1)
 Awful: -
 Worst ever: -
Seen in part or in whole by 56 users, rank: #1372 (of 6916)
Median rating: Very good
Arithmetic mean: 7.593 (Very good−), std. dev.: 2.0774, rank: #1955 (of 7757)
Weighted mean: 7.841 (Very good), rank: #1732 (of 7757) (seen all: 7.97 / seen some: 8.27 / won't finish: 3.00)
Bayesian estimate: 7.821 (Very good−), rank: #802 (of 3524)
Number of tankoubon: 25
Vintage: 2006-04-24 to 2016-02-22 (Young King, 2006 #10 - 2016 #6)
Release dates: We have 65
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Japanese staff
Japanese cast
Story & Art: Boichi
Japanese companies
Publisher: Shonengahosha
English staff
English companies
Online Distribution:
Crunchyroll (2014)
English cast
French staff
French cast
Translation: Arnaud Delage

Adaptation: Arnaud Delage
Graphic Adaptation: Agnès Moreau
French companies
Lettering: GB One
Publisher: Doki-Doki
Spanish staff
Spanish companies
Translation: Pablo Tschopp
Editorial Ivréa (Argentina)
Spanish cast
Italian cast
Italian staff
Translation: Roberto Pesci
Italian companies
Publisher: J-Pop
German staff
German companies
Publisher: Tokyopop Germany
German cast
Chinese (Taiwan) staff
Chinese (Taiwan) companies
Chinese (Taiwan) cast

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