BBFC Comments on Reclassifying High School DxD BorN
posted on by Andrew Osmond
Anime UK News reports that the BBFC has confirmed that it reclassified High School DxD BorN as Certificate 18.
The series was previously classified Certificate 15 when it was released in Britain in 2016. Manga Entertainment's release of the same series on Monday February 22 2021 was also labelled 15, but the company announced a product recall the same week.
In its statement to Anime UK News, the BBFC said, "Since 2016, our Classification Guidelines have changed. Our large scale research in 2018 found that attitudes towards sexual threat and sexual violence have moved on. People also told us that they expect the strongest sexual material, in particular material that uses the language of pornography, to be classified at 18." It was for this reason that High School DxD BorN was reclassified as Certificate 18.
In the same story, Anime UK News also quotes a separate comment by the BBFC on why it rated the series Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs (released by MVM) as Certificate 18. In this case the BBFC rating was because, "There is a focus on the sexualised nudity of childlike characters who are identified as being under the age of 18."