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Cinderella no Giri Ane ni Tenseishita Kedo Futari no Ōji ni Dekiaisarete Imasu Manga to End

posted on by Anita Tai
Series launched in January 2023, will end on December 5

Third volume cover of Cinderella no Giri Ane ni Tenseishita Kedo Futari no Ōji ni Dekiaisarete Imasu
Image via Amazon Japan

This X (formerly Twitter) account for Hakusensha's Hana to Yume magazine reported on Thursday that Tohko Tsukinaga's Cinderella no Giri Ane ni Tenseishita Kedo Futari no Ōji ni Dekiaisarete Imasu (Reincarnated as Cinderella's Step-sister, But is Doted on by Two Princes) manga series will end in the next issue on December 5.

The manga teased with the tagline, "Her life turned 180 degrees for the worst on the day of the ball."

Tsukinaga launched the series in January 2023. Hakusensha shipped the third compiled book volume on Wednesday.

Tsukinaga launched the ongoing Outbride: Beauty & the Beasts manga on Hakusensha's Manga Park website in February 2020. Hakusensha published the manga's first compiled book volume in December 2020, and the fifth volume in August 2022. Seven Seas licensed the manga through its Steamship imprint, and will publish the manga's third compiled book volume in English on February 7, and the fourth volume on June 27.

Sources: Hana to Yume magazine's X/Twitter account, Comic Natalie

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