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Gazing at the Star Next Door Manga Gets Live-Action Film

posted on by Anita Tai
Riko Fukumoto, Yūsei Yagi star in summer 2025 film

Ammitsu's Gazing at the Star Next Door (Tonari no Stella) manga will get a live-action film adaptation in summer 2025. Filming will take place from January to February.

The series stars Riko Fukumoto as Chiaki (left in image below) and Yūsei Yagi as Subaru (right).

Image via Eiga Natalie

Ammitsu drew an illustration to celebrate the announcement.

Image via Eiga Natalie

Hana Matsumoto (Oshi no Ko, The End of the Pale Hour) will direct the film, and Sawako Kawamitsu (Bokura ga Koroshita, Saiai no Kimi, Animals) will pen the script. TOHO will distribute the film.

Kodansha USA publishes the series in English and describes the story:

Chiaki is a pretty normal teenage girl. Since they were kids, she's had a thing for her best friend Subaru—who's fast becoming the hottest young actor in Japan! With Subaru threatening to slip away, Chiaki has a decision to make: Will she finally take her shot, or give Subaru up to his adoring public?

Ammitsu launched the series in Kodansha's Bessatsu Friend magazine in January 2022. Kodansha ships the seventh compiled book volume on Friday. Kodansha USA shipped the third volume on August 13.

Ammitsu ended the Ran the Peerless Beauty (Takane no Ran-san) manga in December 2020. Kodansha published the manga's 10th and final volume on January 13. Ammitsu launched the manga in Bessatsu Friend in July 2017.

Source: Eiga Natalie

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