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Bushiroad Reveals D.C. ~Da Capo~ 'Full Remake' Game D.C. Re:tune

posted on by Joanna Cayanan
New game reveals new cast, character

The "Bushiroad New Year Grand Presentation 2025" event on Monday revealed a teaser promotional video to announce it and CIRCUS' D.C. Re:tune ~Da Capo Re:tune~ visual novel game, a "full remake" of the D.C. ~Da Capo~ game.

Image via D.C. Re:tune game's X/Twitter account

The "full remake" game will feature new character designs, and new cast and characters.

The teaser video reveals the new cast for the game's characters:

The video also reveals the new character Fūki, who will be voiced by Hikaru Tohno.

Da Capo 5, the latest work in the Da Capo series of romance visual novels, launched on Windows PC in January 2023.

The D.C.4 Fortunate Departures game launched for the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch in October 2022. CIRCUS launched the Da Capo 4 visual novel in May 2019 for PC, and then on PS4 and Switch in December 2019. A new edition titled D.C.4 Plus Harmony launched for PC in August 2021, and another new edition titled D.C.4 Sweet Harmony launched for PC in April 2022. The D.C.4 Fortunate Departures fandisc originally launched for PC in February 2021.

The D.C.III ~Da Capo III~ game's console version titled D.C. III P.S. ~Da Capo III~ Plus Story launched on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch in August 2023.

The D.C.III visual novel's stage play adaptation titled D.C.III ~Da Capo III~ Mirai e no Dengon ran in April 2023 in Tokyo. The visual novel previously inspired a stage play in November 2021.

The first three main games of the series (D.C. ~Da Capo~, Da Capo II, and D.C.III ~Da Capo III~) have inspired respective anime adaptations of the same name. The franchise has also inspired three OVAs and several manga adaptations. Crunchyroll streamed D.C.III ~Da Capo III~ as it aired starting in January 2013.

MangaGamer has released several of the visual novels in the series in English.

Source: Bushiroad New Year Grand Presentation 2025 livestream

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