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Mushishi's Yuki Urushibara Starts New Manga on February 25 (Updated)

posted on by Joanna Cayanan
Manga centers on mysterious boy who often appears from beyond horizon

The March issue of Kodansha's Afternoon magazine revealed on Friday that Yuki Urushibara will publish a manga titled Suiheisen no Nera (Nera on the Horizon) in the magazine's next issue on February 25. The manga is pictured at right in the image below. Update: Urushibara confirmed on X/Twitter on Friday that the manga will be a series of one-shots.

Preview of next issue of Afternoon
Image via Afternoon's website

The manga's story is about a mysterious boy named Nagi, who often appears from beyond the earth's horizon where the water level rises.

Urushibara's Mushishi manga ran in the Afternoon Season Zōkan manga from 1999 through 2003, and then ran in Afternoon from 2003 to 2008. Urushibara published a two-chapter special for the manga in 2013. Kodansha published 10 main volumes for the manga, and then a special volume featuring the two-chapter special in April 2014.

Urushibara published a "special short" for the manga titled "Chikakeru Kage" (The Shadow That Soars Through Land) in 2021.

Del Rey published the manga in English, and then Kodansha Comics republished the manga digitally. The manga inspired a 26-episode television anime that premiered in 2005, and then the Mushishi: The Next Chapter television anime aired for 20 episodes in 2014. The Mushishi Tokubetsu-hen: Hihamukage special aired in January 2014, the Mushishi Zoku-Shō Tokubetsu-hen: Odoro no Michi special aired in August 2014, and then the Mushishi: Zoku-Shō: Suzu no Shizuku film opened in Japan in May 2015.

Urushibara debuted the When a Cat Faces West (Neko ga nishi Mukya) manga in Afternoon in 2018, and the series ended in 2020. Kodansha USA Publishing released the manga in English digitally.

Source: Afternoon March issue

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