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NEWS: Breaking News: Halko Momoi Slams Anime Expo on Blog

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Joined: 17 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:10 pm Reply with quote
Well obviously ANN staff were there, so what do you (they?) think? Is it fair or was it a one in a million experience?
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Son Biggie

Joined: 21 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:13 pm Reply with quote
oh how I wish learn how to spaek/read Japanese and see what she said was wrong

Last edited by Son Biggie on Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:13 pm Reply with quote
Interesting! Can't wait until this is translated to find out what happened....
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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:16 pm Reply with quote
Her last post in her blog after the one complaining about AX is actaully very positive, praising AX and thanking those who came to her concert. She also stated that she would attend the closing ceremony, which she said earlier that she was not going to attend. When people put on a good impression and help you out it will change your day and experience quite a bit, it seems.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:21 pm Reply with quote
But it might be her outward politeness that is being posted... I have a feeling she still doesn't like what happened at all :/
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Joined: 30 Jun 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:22 pm Reply with quote
From what I hear from people who attended AX on day 1 and 2, this year's convention was a pretty big disaster. Super long registration line, everything was delayed so nothing was on time, not being allowed into the film room if you're a few minutes late, crappy layout of the facility, bad planning and execution of AX staff. What the heck happened?? :(
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Joined: 13 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:25 pm Reply with quote
Okay people who went. What happened? What from what you could see or understand could have gotten under her skin?

Even with the new positive post, what was she talking about with the first one to merit the title "Halko Momoi Slams Anime Expo"?
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:27 pm Reply with quote
Is it me, or did she change the previous blog entry? Because the one that's dated Sunday at 3:42 PM now starts with ご心配おかけしてごめんね、でも、もう大丈夫! = "Sorry to worry you, but it's all right now!"
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:30 pm Reply with quote
Zalis116 wrote:
Is it me, or did she change the previous blog entry? Because the one that's dated Sunday at 3:42 PM now starts with ご心配おかけしてごめんね、でも、もう大丈夫! = "Sorry to worry you, but it's all right now!"
eh? I thought this one was her complaining one

Edit: DOH I can't link it directly.... but the one with this date 2007-07-02 07:18

After all it says L.A. yori Shocked

and アニメエキスポは……ひどかったよ"anime expo ha..... hidokattayo" - Anime expo was awful.
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Joined: 02 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:40 pm Reply with quote
I think that this might do for the time being the following is from google translator

google translator wrote:

At present live ended, received collection of data and/or returned to the hotel (the ^^)

Today, everyone, as for 30 days it was different from morning.
The animation EXPO staff one by one, everyone lent the hand.

Also PA did today with utmost effort.
It succeeded this live saying, thinking, the [ru],
My seriousness it could have understanding, when it is, it was delightful.
As for the person who does the hateful face, one person it was not and the [te], everyone very it was serious.

It struck and, you got angry however and, it cried,
End with everyone, was accustomed to the smiling face.
The after all, bad person how it was not.
You open it was consequence of wave length.
“That to believe, everything it understood”
Believing that “about those which are not visible it is strong, from the [ru]”

As for me, it was possible to include feeling in song.
It could have receiving properly.
The cute smiling face and encouragement were received in customer everyone.
[u] [u]. In addition it may cry.

Worried applying seed.
Live was great success.
5000 about people came.
[momoisuto] which comes from Japan distributed [sairiyumu], it is.
It was accustomed as one unit with everyone.

When stage it descends, everyone being, it shook hands with everyone and the smiling face.
Coming to America, however there was a various thing, now as for me, being able to meet to everyone, from heart, the good [tsu] [te] thinking, the [ru].
The customer, the staff, everyone and the smiling face were cute.

“There is no certainly any wall there
When you are thought, it cries, the [chi] [ya] [u]
Truly thank you! ”

The american and the Japanese, Mexican, and so on, the ㌧㌦ it was possible with everyone.
My dream is, in addition one Kanai [tsu].
Thank you!
Thanks a lot!!

As for so, damaging, making the various person grieve, betraying expectation you think that it is fact.
Certainly, from the next in order to be able to make the good event, we want persevering and, we want keeping succeeding the latest know-how.
Because all the way there is a reflection point even in me, (it discontinues sign meeting and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] is the [ri] don't you think?),
So, in addition in order to be able to meet to everyone of the fan in America, because it perseveres!

So, one time it has attending the closing ceremony which is cut off, from this, (the ^^Wink

Roughly accumulating, from Japan, from America, everyone who gives message, thank you!
Worry applying, don't you think? the [me] it is.
Sense sending, thank you for!

And, government ......Thank you.
My interpretation is done the boy of the Los Angeles resident 19 year old where
Even the fan of government saying, it increased, (the *Anime smile*). .
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Joined: 02 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:43 pm Reply with quote
that's the latest post with the "thank you" stuff.. two blog posts below it should be the complaining one....

Edit: actually.. maybe she's kinda complaining in both.. I don't know why I thought the other one seemed more distraught... meh Smile serves me right for trying to read it quickly at work... my translation is poor haha.

Last edited by Asako on Mon Jul 02, 2007 9:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 20 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:51 pm Reply with quote
In any event, I think saying that she "slammed" the expo may have been pre-mature. It's the whole "don't jump to conclusions" thing...
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:54 pm Reply with quote
LightYagami wrote:
I think that this might do for the time being the following is from google translator

google translator wrote:

At present live ended, received collection of data and/or returned to the hotel (the ^^)

Today, everyone, as for 30 days it was different from morning.
The animation EXPO staff one by one, everyone lent the hand.

Also PA did today with utmost effort.
It succeeded this live saying, thinking, the [ru],
My seriousness it could have understanding, when it is, it was delightful.
As for the person who does the hateful face, one person it was not and the [te], everyone very it was serious.

It struck and, you got angry however and, it cried,
End with everyone, was accustomed to the smiling face.
The after all, bad person how it was not.
You open it was consequence of wave length.
“That to believe, everything it understood”
Believing that “about those which are not visible it is strong, from the [ru]”

As for me, it was possible to include feeling in song.
It could have receiving properly.
The cute smiling face and encouragement were received in customer everyone.
[u] [u]. In addition it may cry.

Worried applying seed.
Live was great success.
5000 about people came.
[momoisuto] which comes from Japan distributed [sairiyumu], it is.
It was accustomed as one unit with everyone.

When stage it descends, everyone being, it shook hands with everyone and the smiling face.
Coming to America, however there was a various thing, now as for me, being able to meet to everyone, from heart, the good [tsu] [te] thinking, the [ru].
The customer, the staff, everyone and the smiling face were cute.

“There is no certainly any wall there
When you are thought, it cries, the [chi] [ya] [u]
Truly thank you! ”

The american and the Japanese, Mexican, and so on, the ㌧㌦ it was possible with everyone.
My dream is, in addition one Kanai [tsu].
Thank you!
Thanks a lot!!

As for so, damaging, making the various person grieve, betraying expectation you think that it is fact.
Certainly, from the next in order to be able to make the good event, we want persevering and, we want keeping succeeding the latest know-how.
Because all the way there is a reflection point even in me, (it discontinues sign meeting and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] is the [ri] don't you think?),
So, in addition in order to be able to meet to everyone of the fan in America, because it perseveres!

So, one time it has attending the closing ceremony which is cut off, from this, (the ^^Wink

Roughly accumulating, from Japan, from America, everyone who gives message, thank you!
Worry applying, don't you think? the [me] it is.
Sense sending, thank you for!

And, government ......Thank you.
My interpretation is done the boy of the Los Angeles resident 19 year old where
Even the fan of government saying, it increased, (the *Anime smile*). .

this is why you never use online translators.

where's dormcat? surely he has the scoop on this.
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Joined: 30 May 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 9:04 pm Reply with quote
Where's my slowpoke jpg?

Here's a summary from Canned Dogs:

Singer/seiyuu Momoi Halko has expressed on her blog that Anime Expo was horrible and that she felt that the staff there did not have any respect for anime or people that were related to anime industry. Apparently the staff were very disorganized and handled everything in a very shoddy manner.

She ran into a lot of problems starting with having no hotel room when she arrived and even being told that her concert was cancelled. (Though her staff tried their best and managed to stop it from being cancelled)

According to Momoi, other guests at Anime Expo were also treated in a similar manner with their interview panels and concerts being delayed, shortened, or cancelled without any good reason at all. Some of the staff that came from Japan were even crying because of all this.

However, she was really happy when she saw her fans and feels that she was saved when she saw her fans and even started crying out of happiness during her focus panel. She then says that she canceled all her appearances for Sunday so that she can make sure that her concert on Day 4 will be a success.

See also: http://www.paranda.net/halko/
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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 9:15 pm Reply with quote
Trunks wrote:
From what I hear from people who attended AX on day 1 and 2, this year's convention was a pretty big disaster. Super long registration line, everything was delayed so nothing was on time, not being allowed into the film room if you're a few minutes late, crappy layout of the facility, bad planning and execution of AX staff. What the heck happened?? Sad

Dargonxtc wrote:
Okay people who went. What happened? What from what you could see or understand could have gotten under her skin?

Even with the new positive post, what was she talking about with the first one to merit the title "Halko Momoi Slams Anime Expo"?

I did not go to the Halko Momoi event, because I was pretty much pissed off from how things were going with the convention. My friend did go to the SOS Brigade Invasion concert that people were considering to be a disaster, himself included. Seems that the Invasion started three hours late, the ASOS members were acting like a bunch of a-holes with them doing the dance half-ass. He tried to go to the autograph session for Hirano Aya, which ended up getting cancelled on day two. They pushed it back to day 3, and he got to the place at 6 am, the thing was supposed to start around either nine or ten am, which got kicked back some more. People had been waiting in line for the autograph session since 12 am. Then when they started the autographing, they announced that they were only going to allow 100 autographs, in which a riot he told me was ready to break out. To me, the staff there was not nice, the hotel staff was no better, poor planning of events and long lines with hourly waits. Am I going to criticize Anime Expo this year? You bet I am.
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