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Brains Base Unveils Chō Jikū Robo Meguru Original Anime Project

posted on by Sarah Nelkin
Kiddy Grade's Keiji Gotoh directs anime starring Kana Asumi, Marina Inoue

Animation studio Brains Base opened a website on Tuesday unveiling its new original anime project titled Chō Jikū Robo Meguru (Hyperdimension Robo Meguru).

Keiji Gotoh (Kiddy Grade, Sengoku Collection) will direct the anime at Brains Base (Kamisama Dolls, Blood Lad) and Studio A-Cat (Innocent Venus, Strike Witches 3D CG) from scripts by Shoji Yonemura (Pokémon, Ninja Scroll). Masami Matsuoka provided the original character designs, and Keiji Gotoh is adapting the designs for the anime as character designer, and will also serve as animation director. Takeshi Takakura (Galaxy Angel, Aquarion Evol) is handling mechanical design, and Yūichi Gotō is serving as 3D CG director.

The remainder of the staff is as follows:

Production: Seiki Sugawara
Art: Katsufumi Hario
Color Key: Eri Suzuki
Sound Director: Takeshi Takadera
Sound Effects: Kenji Oyama
Director of Photography: Keisuke Takahashi
Editing: Yasutaka Ikeda
Production Progression: Teruko Utsumi
Animation: Kentarō Matsumoto, Megumi Kadonosono, Keiji Gotoh, Masaru Shindō, Arina Takase, Hidefumi Kimura
3DCG/Photography: Takayuki Honma, Jun'ichi Saitō, Keisuke Takahashi, Hitomi Takatsuka, Atsushi Yoshii, Tetsu Yamauchi, Takahiro Sōda, Yūko Kuroki, Toshihiro Honda
Assistance: Studio Fuga, HALF H·P STUDIO, digicrafts

The anime will star:

Kana Asumi (Pretty Rhythm Aurora Dream, Nisekoi) as Meguru Tokio, a normal 13-year old girl who lives in 2017. However, she can not be called completely normal. After all, her mother passed away right after giving birth to her, and her father who was a robot developer passed away in 2016. Meguru is a daddy's girl, as she was raised by him alone. She now lives alone.

Marina Inoue (Attack on Titan, Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei) as Meguru (written in katakana as opposed to Tokio's hiragana name), the descendant of Meguru Tokio who came from the future. She has an energetic and forceful personality.

The story of the mecha anime revolves around 13-year old Meguru Tokio, who is suddenly approached by a strange woman who is running away from something. She finds out that the girl's name is also Meguru, and although she appears to be around 17 or 18 years old, she has a passionate personality, which the younger Meguru has trouble dealing with. Meguru Tokio gets drawn into the older Meguru's fight with a mysterious organization, and gets targeted by the organization as well. The one targeting them from the organization was the narcissist, Rei.

Although the younger Meguru can't believe that the older one came from the future, she fights alongside her in a dimensional robot. After fighting with Rei, she finds out that even though the other Meguru is older than her, she is Meguru Tokio's descendant. After finding out that someone has jumped into the past by the older Meguru's history surveillance device, the two also make a leap back into the past.

A promotional video without any narration is currently streaming on the website.

Thanks to Shiroi Hane for the news tip!

This article has a follow-up: Brains Base's Chō Jikū Robo Meguru Anime Previewed in Video (2014-11-11 14:30)
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