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Sakamoto Days Manga Gets Sakamoto Holidays Spinoff Starting on July 4

posted on by Crystalyn Hodgkins
Tetsu Ōkawa draws manga

This year's 27th issue of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine revealed on Monday that Yuuto Suzuki's Sakamoto Days manga will get a spinoff titled Sakamoto Holidays that will debut in the August issue of Shueisha's Saikyō Jump magazine on July 4. Tetsu Ōkawa, who works as an assistant on the main manga, is drawing the spinoff.

Suzuki launched the manga in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine in November 2020. Shueisha published the 16th compiled book volume on April 4. The 17th volume will ship on June 4. Suzuki published a one-shot titled "Sakamoto" in Jump Giga in December 2019.

Viz Media and MANGA Plus are publishing the manga in English digitally. MANGA Plus describes the manga:

Taro Sakamoto was the ultimate assassin, feared by villains and admired by hitmen. But one day...he fell in love! Retirement, marriage, fatherhood and then... Sakamoto gained weight! The chubby guy who runs the neighborhood store is actually a former legendary hitman! Can he protect his family from danger? Get ready to experience a new kind of action comedy series!

Viz Media is also publishing the manga in print and released the 11th volume on April 2.

The manga inspired a novel in April 2022.

The manga is inspiring a television anime series in January 2025 starring Tomokazu Sugita as Taro Sakamoto.

Source: Weekly Shonen Jump issue 27

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