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Animator Yōichi Ōnishi Dies

posted on by Anita Tai
Animator known for work on Jigoku Sensei Nube, Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, Kanon

Hell Teacher Nube
Image via Mubi

Animator Eisaku Inoue revealed on Facebook on January 8 that animator Yōichi Ōnishi has died.

He was known for his work as a character designer on titles such as Jigoku Sensei Nube (pictured right), Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, Kanon, and other titles.

He also worked as an animation director on episodes of World Trigger, The Misfit of Demon King Academy, Digimon Adventure, and others.

Ōnishi began his career in the animation industry in 1985 on The Fist of the North Star. Some of his most recent projects include A Condition Called Love and Astro Note.

Source: Eisaku Inoue's Facebook page

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