Anime Top 50 Worst Rated (bayesian estimate)

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Worst Rated (bayesian estimate)
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Top 50 Worst Rated (bayesian estimate)
# title rating nb. votes
7383 Hametsu No Mars (OAV) 1.92 220
7382 Skelter+Heaven (OAV) 2.39 81
7381 SD Gundam Force (TV) 2.93 508
7380 Psychic Wars (OAV) 2.99 134
7379 EX-ARM (TV) 3.15 40
7378 Utsu-musume Sayuri (movie) 3.32 30
7377 Duel Masters (TV) 3.47 629
7376 Tekken: The Motion Picture (OAV) 3.48 728
7375 M.D. Geist II - Death Force (OAV) 3.48 301
7374 Ki*Me*Ra (OAV) 3.58 200
7373 Samurai Shodown: The Motion Picture (special) 3.59 153
7372 Pupa (TV) 3.60 262
7371 M.D. Geist (OAV) 3.65 485
7370 Reign: The Conqueror (TV) 3.65 714
7369 D.I.C.E. (TV) 3.69 159
7368 Ninja Resurrection (OAV) 3.74 524
7367 University Girls (OAV) 3.77 23
7366 Offside Girl (OAV) 3.81 26
7365 Prima Donna Mai (OAV) 3.82 19
7364 (The) Super Milk-chan Show (TV) 3.88 478
7363 Panzer Dragoon (OAV) 3.94 46
7362 Garzey's Wing (OAV) 3.98 145
7361 Super Milk-chan (TV) 3.99 341
7360 Vampire Holmes (TV) 3.99 33
7359 Wake Up Aria (OAV) 4.05 39
7358 Dracula: Sovereign Of The Damned (special) 4.06 45
7357 Sin: The Movie 4.07 305
7356 Sword for Truth (OAV) 4.09 216
7355 Gibiate (TV) 4.11 48
7354 Roots Search (OAV) 4.13 60
7353 Eiken (OAV) 4.13 669
7352 Jikū Bōken Nūmamonjaa (OAV) 4.15 460
7351 Rusted Armors (TV) 4.17 32
7350 B-Legend! Battle Bedaman (TV) 4.17 154
7349 Pure Love (OAV) 4.17 25
7348 Tesla Note (TV) 4.17 66
7347 Deep Insanity: The Lost Child (TV) 4.20 72
7346 Isshoni Sleeping: Sleeping with Hinako (OAV) 4.22 107
7345 Musashi (TV) 4.25 141
7344 Beyblade (TV) 4.30 1090
7343 Odin - Starlight Mutiny (movie) 4.30 133
7342 Spectral Force (OAV) 4.30 49
7341 Apocalypse Zero (OAV) 4.32 195
7340 Co-Ed Affairs (OAV) 4.33 43
7339 (The) Cosmopolitan Prayers (TV) 4.35 151
7338 Hand Shakers (TV) 4.35 81
7337 Moral Hazard (OAV) 4.36 27
7336 Virus Buster Serge (TV) 4.36 180
7335 Art of Fighting (special) 4.39 116
7334 Vampire Wars (OAV) 4.40 181
This rating only includes titles that have at least 13 votes. The bayesian estimate is a statistical technique used to reduce the noise due to low sample counts. In effect, the less a title has votes, the more it is pulled towards the mean (7.4795). In other words, these are the titles that many people agree are awful. (formula)
bayesian rating = (v ÷ (v+m)) × R + (m ÷ (v+m)) × C
R = average for the anime
v = number of votes for the anime
m = minimum votes required to be listed (currently 13)
C = the mean vote across the whole report (currently 7.4795)

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