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Marvelous' 'Project Magia' Game Is Now Titled Farmagia, Planned for 2024 Release

posted on by Rafael Antonio Pineda
Kōhei Amasaki, Ayane Sakura, Inori Minase, Atsumi Tanezaki voice game's main characters

Marvelous revealed during its game showcase stream on Friday that its previously announced "Project Magia" game is now officially titled Farmagia. Marvelous also revealed the game's opening video, as well as its cast, theme song, and 2024 release date.

(0:20 to 1:45 in video below for opening video, 4:18 to 7:36 for game information)

As previously announced, Hiro Mashima (Fairy Tail, Edens Zero) is designing the game's characters.

Kōhei Amasaki voices protagonist Ten. Ayane Sakura voices Ten's childhood friend Arche, while Inori Minase voices another of Ten's childhood friends Chica. Atsumi Tanezaki voices the game's mascot Lookie-Loo. Sakura and Minase perform the game's theme song "dis-dystopia."

Sources: Press release, Marvelous' game showcase

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