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Voice Actor Mai Fuchigami Celebrates Birth of Her First Baby

posted on by Ken Iikura-Gross
Voice of Assassination Classroom's Nagisa announces birth of her daughter

Voice actor Mai Fuchigami announced the birth of her daughter, her first child, on social media on February 1. The voice actor said she will be a “powerful mother and actress” going forward and included a photo of her daughter's feet.

[Announcement] I would like to announce I recently gave birth to my first child, a daughter.

From now on, I will be a powerful actress and a powerful mother!
I want to enjoy each and every day.

I look forward to your continued support.

Mai Fuchigami

Image via mand-i.jp

As of press time, Fuchigami received over 700 replies, most of which are congratulations from her fans and colleagues. Notably, fellow voice actor Mariko Honda was happy for Fuchigami, saying, “Congratulations! So joyous!”

Mai-chan!!! Congratulations!!! 。゚(゚´ω'゚)゚。So joyous!!!

Fuchigami announced her marriage on her birthday, May 28. At the time, she had not announced her pregnancy.

Fuchigami has appeared in Assassination Classroom as Nagisa Shiota, Arpeggio of Blue Steel as Iona/I-401, My Unique Skill Makes Me OP even at Level 1 as Erza Monsoon, The IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls as Karen Hojo, and Glitter Force Doki Doki as Arisu Yotsuba (Cure Rosetta), among others. Her agency posted more of her résumé.

Sources: Mariko Honda's X/Twitter account, M&I, Mai Fuchigami's X/Twitter account via Otakomu

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