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2nd Eureka Seven: Hi - Evolution Film's 1st 10 Minutes Streamed

posted on by Rafael Antonio Pineda
Film opened last Saturday at #9

The official website for the Eureka Seven: Hi - Evolution film trilogy began streaming the first 10 minutes of Anemone: Kōkyōshihen Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution (Anemone: Eureka Seven: Hi - Evolution), the second film in the trilogy.

For the first time in the Eureka Seven franchise, the film will be set in Tokyo. The film centers on Anemone, a girl who lost her father in a battle in Tokyo seven years prior to the film's story, leaving her with only her stuffed toy Gulliver, and the AI concierge Dominikids for emotional support. Now she is a key part of a strategy by the experimental unit "Acid" to combat the seventh Eureka, "Eureka Seven," an enemy of humanity that has killed 2.6 billion people. Driven to the brink, all of humanity entrusts its hope to Anemone as she dives deep into the interior of Eureka Seven.

The staff remained mostly the same as the first film, but added Takuhito Kusanagi and Fumihiro Katagai as designers. Shigeru Fujita and Ayumi Kurashima remain credited as character animation director, but were also credited as sub-character designers. Kenta Yokoya was credited as mechanical animation director and design works, while previous mechanical animation director Shingo Abe was credited as one of the main animators, alongside Hideki Kakita, Shūichi Kaneko, Ken Ootsuka, and Nobuaki Nagano.

The "Nirvash X" mecha appears in the film. Shōji Kawamori (Macross, Last Hope) designed this new version of the franchise's main mecha, and it is the largest of its kind in the franchise's history.

The film replaces voice actor Kouji Tsujitani with Keiji Fujiwara in the role of Dewey Novak, after the former's recent passing on October 17. Tsujitani had voiced the character since the original 2005 series.

The film opened in Japan last Saturday on November 10, and it ranked #9 in its opening weekend. Funimation will debut the film in theaters in 2019.

The first film opened in September 2017, and the third film is slated to open in 2019.

Sources: Eureka Seven: Hi - Evolution anime's official website, MoCa News

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