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xxxHOLiC (manga)

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Alternative title:
XXXголик (Russian)
XXX홀릭 (Korean)
Genres: comedy, drama, fantasy, horror
Themes: folklore
Objectionable content: Significant
Plot Summary: Yuuko is a witch who grants people's wishes, but in return the person has to give up something precious. Watanuki Kimihiro, a man who has visions, encounters Yuuko and she promises to get rid of the spirits that torment him. In return Watanuki must work in Yuuko's shop and help her grant other people's wishes.
User Ratings: 660 ratings have been given [details]
 Masterpiece: 144 votes (Eng:65, sub:40, dub:20, ?:6, raw:3, edit.dub:2, raw:2, others:6
1 Italian
1 Spanish
1 Russian
1 French subtitled
1 Mandarin Chinese
1 French
 Excellent: 222 votes (Eng:125, sub:55, dub:31, raw:2, ?:2, edit.dub:2, others:5
3 French
1 Swedish
1 Spanish subtitled
 Very good: 145 votes (Eng:75, sub:30, dub:24, ?:3, raw:3, raw:1, others:9
2 Portuguese
2 French
1 French dubbed
1 Swedish subtitled
1 Portuguese dubbed
1 Spanish
1 Italian
 Good: 91 votes (Eng:62, sub:12, dub:6, raw:2, ?:1, edit.dub:1, others:7
2 Portuguese subtitled
1 German
1 Spanish dubbed
1 Portuguese
1 Italian
1 French subtitled
 Decent: 35 votes (Eng:25, dub:3, sub:3, ?:1, raw:1, others:2
1 French
1 German subtitled
 So-so: 13 votes (Eng:9, dub:2, sub:1, others:1
1 German dubbed
 Not really good: 3 votes (Eng:3)
 Weak: 5 votes (Eng:2, sub:2, dub:1)
 Bad: 2 votes (dub:1, Eng:1)
 Awful: -
 Worst ever: -
Seen in part or in whole by 1792 users, rank: #18 (of 6916)
Median rating: Excellent
Arithmetic mean: 8.396 (Very good+), std. dev.: 1.3969, rank: #447 (of 7757)
Weighted mean: 8.283 (Very good+), rank: #650 (of 7757) (seen all: 8.59 / seen some: 8.29 / won't finish: 5.99)
Bayesian estimate: 8.279 (Very good+), rank: #154 (of 3524)
Number of tankoubon: 19
Number of pages: 182
2003-02-24 (Young Magazine 2003 No.13)
2004-04-27 to 2012-02-21 (North America)
2004-07 to 2006-12 (Spain)
2006-05-11 (México)
2006-08-25 (Sweden)
Release dates: We have 124
Official website:
Links: We have 2
Trivia: We have 5
XXXholic crosses over with the manga Tsubasa: RC several times. Getting both manga is suggested for the full story, but not required to understand the story.
xxxHOLIC GN 17 (Oct 29, 2011)
xxxHOLiC GN 16 (Nov 4, 2010)
xxxHOLiC GN 12 (Sep 26, 2008)
XXXHOLiC GN 10 (Nov 10, 2007)
XXXHolic GN 8 (Feb 13, 2007)
News: Show:
XXXHOLiC TV Details (Dec 5, 2005)
XXXHolic by I.G (Nov 18, 2004)
You can contribute information to this page, but first you must login or register

    The Official xxxHOLiC Guide (Fanbook) 2009-10-27 (from $15.30)
Graphic novel
    xxxHOLiC (GN 1) 2004-04-27 (from $6.88)
    xxxHOLiC (GN 2) 2004-06-29 (from $17.63)
    xxxHOLiC (GN 3) 2004-10-12 (from $11.96)
    xxxHOLiC (GN 4) 2005-01-25 (from $2.78)
    xxxHOLiC (GN 5) 2005-05-31 (from $6.96)
    xxxHOLiC (GN 6) 2005-10-25 (from $7.19)
    xxxHOLiC (GN 7) 2006-05-30 (from $12.00)
    xxxHOLiC (GN 8) 2006-12-12 (from $3.69)
    xxxHOLiC (GN 9) 2007-07-17 (from $6.38)
    xxxHOLiC (GN 10) 2007-09-25 (from $22.75)
    xxxHOLiC (GN 11) 2008-03-04 (from $20.00)
    xxxHOLiC (GN 12) 2008-06-24
    xxxHOLiC (GN 13) 2009-03-24 (from $22.00)
    xxxHOLiC (GN 14) 2009-10-27 (from $12.06)
    xxxHOLiC (GN 15) 2010-03-23 (from $12.49)
    xxxHOLiC (GN 16) 2010-10-26 (from $8.79)
    xxxHOLiC (GN 17) 2011-09-13 (from $99.00)
    xxxHOLiC (GN 18) 2011-12-13 (from $69.90)
    xxxHOLiC (GN 19) 2012-02-21 (from $80.00)
    xxxHOLiC [Omnibus] (GN 1) 2014-03-18 (from $17.26)
    xxxHOLiC [Omnibus] (GN 2) 2014-06-17 (from $15.33)
    xxxHOLiC [Omnibus] (GN 3) 2014-09-23 (from $15.99)
    xxxHOLiC [Omnibus] (GN 4) 2014-12-16 (from $15.99)
    xxxHOLiC [Omnibus] (GN 5) 2015-03-03 (from $15.99)
    xxxHOLiC [Omnibus] (GN 6) 2015-06-16 (from $14.99)
    xxxHOLiC [Omnibus] (GN 7) 2015-09-08

Japanese staff
Japanese cast
Story & Art: CLAMP
Art: Mick Nekoi
Japanese companies
Publisher: Kodansha
English staff
English cast
Anthony Gerard
Bill Flanagan (Vols. 2+)

Anthony Gerard
Bill Flanagan (Vols. 2+)
Lettering: Dana Hayward
English companies
Distributor: Tanoshimi (UK)
Lettering: North Market Street Graphics (Vol. 14)
Licensed by:
Del Rey
Kodansha Comics (2014)
French staff
French companies
Kami (official fanbook)
Pika Édition
French cast
Spanish staff
Spanish companies
Translation: María Ferrer (Spain)

Operations Manager: Enrique Espinosa (Grupo Editorial Vid)
Publishing Director: Carlos Francisco Jiménez (Grupo Editorial Vid)
Responsible Editor: Teresa Ponce Torres (Grupo Editorial Vid)
Licensed by:
Grupo Editorial Vid (Mexico; expired)
Kamite Comics (Mexico; 2018)
Grupo Editorial Vid (Mexico)
Norma Editorial (Spain)
Translation: Traducciones Imposibles (Norma Editorial)
Spanish cast
Italian staff
Italian cast
Emilio Martini (vol.1-9)
Ernesto Cellie (voll. 10 ->)

Adaptation: Nino Giordano
Italian companies
German staff
German cast
Translation: Claudia Peter
German companies
Portuguese staff
Portuguese cast
Portuguese companies
Publisher: JBC (Brazil)
Swedish staff
Swedish cast
Translation: Magnus Johansson
Swedish companies
Publisher: Bonnier Carlsen
Chinese (Taiwan) staff
Chinese (Taiwan) companies
Chinese (Taiwan) cast

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