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Touch (manga)

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Alternative title:
Bateadores (Spanish)
Theo ou la batte de la victoire (French)
タッチ (Japanese)
鄰家女孩 (Chinese (Taiwan))
鄰家美眉 (Chinese (Taiwan))
Objectionable content: Mild
Plot Summary: Uesugi Tatsuya and his twin brother Kazuya have both fallen in love with their childhood friend, Asakura Minami. But whereas Kazuya is a talented baseball pitcher, planning on fulfilling Minami's dreams of entering Koushien, Tatsuya always seems to mess up - perhaps deliberately giving in to his younger brother. But then, a life-changing event happens, and Tatsuya begins to work his way up to earn Minami's love and fulfill her dreams.
User Ratings: 110 ratings have been given [details]
 Masterpiece: 37 votes (Eng:13, sub:10, dub:5, raw:2, edit.dub:1, ?:1, others:5
2 Italian
1 Vietnamese
1 French
1 French subtitled
 Excellent: 22 votes (Eng:11, sub:4, dub:2, raw:2, others:3
1 Italian
1 Spanish
1 French subtitled
 Very good: 18 votes (Eng:10, sub:4, raw:1, ?:1, others:2
1 Italian
1 French
 Good: 11 votes (Eng:7, raw:1, others:3
2 French
1 Indonesia
 Decent: 5 votes (Eng:5)
 So-so: 3 votes (Eng:3)
 Not really good: 3 votes (Eng:3)
 Weak: 4 votes (Eng:3, ?:1)
 Bad: 2 votes (sub:2)
 Awful: 1 vote (Eng:1)
 Worst ever: 4 votes (Eng:2, sub:2)
Seen in part or in whole by 181 users, rank: #488 (of 6918)
Median rating: Excellent
Arithmetic mean: 7.845 (Very good), std. dev.: 2.6118, rank: #1508 (of 7761)
Weighted mean: 7.954 (Very good), rank: #1514 (of 7761) (seen all: 7.90 / seen some: 8.21 / won't finish: 7.00)
Bayesian estimate: 7.945 (Very good), rank: #556 (of 3524)
Number of tankoubon: 26
Number of pages: 180
1981 to 1986 (Weekly Shounen Sunday 1981 #36 - 1986 #50)
1999-07-01 to 2001-08-01 (Italy 1st ed.)
2003-02 to 2004-08 (Spain)
2016-11-02 to 2017-10-03 (Italy Perfect ed.)
Release dates: We have 52
News: Show:
New Ghibli Short Movie (Jul 17, 2005)
Live Action Touch Movie (Jun 23, 2005)
Viz Manga/Book News (Nov 12, 1999)
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Japanese staff
Japanese cast
Story & Art: Mitsuru Adachi
Japanese companies
Publisher: Shogakukan
French staff
French cast
Translation: Flora Huynh
French companies
Publisher: Glenat
Spanish staff
Spanish cast
Akane Asaoka (Norma Editorial release)
Emilio Gallego Zambrano (Spain)
Raúl María Arol Rosa (Spain)
Spanish companies
Norma Editorial (1995 edition--release incomplete)
Italian staff
Italian companies
Italian cast
Chinese (Taiwan) staff
Chinese (Taiwan) companies
Licensed by:
Ching Win Publishing Co., Ltd. (鄰家美眉)
Daran Culture Enterprise (鄰家女孩, expired)
Chinese (Taiwan) cast

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