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Bandai Namco Rights Marketing Absorbs, Dissolves Anime Consortium Japan

posted on by Rafael Antonio Pineda
ACJ previously owned Daisuki streaming service, acquired by Bandai Namco last year

Bandai Namco Rights Marketing, a subsidiary company of Bandai Namco Holdings, Inc., announced on February 13 that it will absorb the Anime Consortium Japan (ACJ) company and dissolve it. The merger will take effect on March 20.

Bandai Namco Rights Marketing manages the service of the Bandai Channel, Gundam Fan Club, Toei Tokusatsu Fan Club, Animate Channel, and JAM Project's motto! motto!! App, among others.

Anime Consortium Japan recently closed its Daisuki streaming service last October. Anime studios and production companies Aniplex, Sunrise, Toei Animation, TMS Entertainment, Nihon Ad Systems (NAS), Dentsu, and Asatsu-DK (ADK) collaborated to launch the service in April 2013. The streaming service merged with the Anime Consortium Japan (ACJ) when ACJ was established in 2014. Bandai Namco Holdings acquired full ownership of ACJ in March 2017.

ACJ's Anime Now! website also closed earlier this year in January. Anime Consortium Japan launched the site in June 2016, with the intent of providing updated information about anime debuting in Japan, providing exclusive information about anime production, and guiding users to legitimate streaming sites.

Anime Now! was also a sister site to Anime News Network, and ANN shared and reposted some articles from Anime Now!

Source: Social Game Info

Disclosure: Bandai Namco Filmworks Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Bandai Namco Holdings Inc., is a non-controlling, minority shareholder in Anime News Network Inc.

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