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Mitsuboshi Colors' Katsuwo Launches New Manga

posted on by Rafael Antonio Pineda
Post-apocalyptic zombie manga centers on girls Aki, Haru, Natsuki searching for Aki's father

The 106th issue of Kadokawa's Comic Dengeki DaiohG magazine published the first chapter of manga creator Katsuwo's new manga #ZombieSagashitemasu (#LookingForZombies) on June 27. The manga features on the magazine's front cover (seen below).

The manga is set in a world where 90 percent of humans on Earth have contracted and died from a deadly, virulent disease; only to then rise again as zombies who only attack people. 13 years after that "Red Day" of societal and civilizational collapse, the surviving humans survive away from the big cities, while still hoping to retake them someday. An entirely new generation of people who know nothing of the pre-Red Day world are now coming into their own. The story begins when aki and her close friends Haru and Natsuki begin a journey to find aki's missing father.

Katsuwo's Mitsuboshi Colors manga inspired the television anime of the same name, which premiered in January 2018. Sentai Filmworks streamed the anime as it aired in Japan.

Katsuwo launched the Hitori Bocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu (Solitary "__" Life, or Hitori Bocchi's "__" Life) manga in the inaugural issue Comic Dengeki DaiohG in September 2013, and ended it in April 2021. Kadokawa published the manga's eighth and final volume in June 2021. The manga inspired a television anime adaptation in April 2019. Crunchyroll streamed the anime.

Sources: Comic Dengeki DaiohG issue 106, Comic Natalie

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