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Shueisha Honors Naruto's 25th Anniversary With Special Video

posted on by Ken Iikura-Gross
Relive Masashi Kishimoto's masterpiece

The late 1990s ushered in a new age of generation-defining manga series at Weekly Shonen Jump with Kazuki Takahashi's Yu-Gi-Oh!, Eiichiro Oda's One Piece, and Yoshihiro Togashi's Hunter X Hunter, among others. One of those series is undoubtedly Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto. Capturing the imagination of many readers with its dual protagonists and ninja action, the series spawned two anime series, multiple video games, and a sequel series. The original manga is celebrating its quarter-century anniversary, and it kicked off its milestone on Saturday with a video recapping the story of Naruto.

Image via Naruto franchise's X/Twitter account

The video debuted on September 21, the same day Naruto began serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump in 1999.

The video traces the story of Naruto with iconic moments and quotes from the series.

This is a great video for fans of Naruto, especially those who grew up with it. A few choice moments are left out, but if the video covered every single iconic moment of the series, the 3:50 runtime surely would have ballooned to over 10 minutes. Commemorate the 25th annviersary and even shed a tear.

Sources: Naruto franchise's Japanese X/Twitter account and English X/Twitter account, Shueisha Manga' YouTube channel, Naruto franchise's website

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