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Discotek Adds Free!, Robot Carnival, Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust, More

posted on by Kiara Valdez
Arpeggio, Night on the Galactic Railroad, Seha Girls, Strike the Blood, Galilei Donna, ImoCho., Earl & Fairy, Shining Tears X Wind, Darkstalkers, Street Fighter II movie & USA series

North American anime distributor Discotek Media announced on Wednesday that it will release the Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club television anime, Robot Carnival original video anime, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust movie, Arpeggio of Blue Steel television series, Night on the Galactic Railroad movie, Seha Girls (Sega Hard Girls) television anime, Strike the Blood television anime, Galilei Donna television anime, Recently, my sister is unusual. television series, Earl and Fairy television anime, Shining Tears X Wind television anime, Night Warriors (DarkStalkers) original video anime, Street Fighter II: The Movie, and USA Network's Street Fighter II television series.

Crunchyroll streamed Kyoto Animation's first Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club anime in 2013. Discotek will offer the complete series with English subtitles on DVD. Discotek Media also mentioned that a dubbed version may be released in the future, but had "no details yet on the possible dubbed version or who will release it yet." Funimation licensed the second series, Free! Eternal Summer.

The 2000 Robot Carnival original anime video is an acclaimed collection of robot-themed short segments created by nine of Japan's top animators. Discotek will offer the film with both English subtitles and dubbing.

The 2000 Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust movie is a follow-up to the Vampire Hunter D OAV, and both adapt Hideyuki Kikuchi's supernatural novel series of the same name. Discotek aims to offer the movie on DVD and Blu-ray this year.

The 2013 Arpeggio of Blue Steel anime adapted Ark Performance's science-fiction manga of the same name. Discotek will offer the complete series with English subtitles.

The 1985 Night on the Galactic Railroad movie centers on Giovanni and his train-ride across the Milky Way from Kenji Miyazawa's classic novel of the same name. Discotek will offer the movie on DVD this year and eventually on Blu-ray with English subtitles and dubbing.

The comedic, slice-of-life Hi-sCool! Seha Girls anime ran in 2014. Discotek will offer the complete series.

The 2013-2014 Strike the Blood anime adapted Gakuto Mikumo's supernatural light novel of the same name. Discotek will offer the complete series with English subtitles.

Crunchyroll streamed the science fiction Galilei Donna anime in 2013. Discotek will offer the complete series with English subtitles.

The 2014 Recently, my sister is unusual. anime adapted Mari Matsuzawa's romance manga of the same name. Discotek will offer the complete series with English subtitles.

The 2008 Earl and Fairy anime adapted Mizue Tani's historical fantasy light novel series of the same name. Discotek will offer the complete series with English subtitles.

The 2007 Shining Tears X Wind anime adapts both the Shining Tears and Shining Wind 2004 and 2007 games by Nextech and Amusement Vision. Discotek will offer the complete series with English subtitles.

The 1997-1998 Night Warriors (DarkStalkers) original video anime adapts CAPCOM's DarkStalkers: The Night Warriors (Vampire: The Night Warriors) game and subsequent titles. Discotek will offer the complete series with English subtitles and dubbing.

Street Fighter II: The Movie adapted CAPCOM's video game Super Street Fighter II in 1994. Discotek will offer the movie on DVD and Blu-ray.

USA Network's 1995-1997 Street Fighter II television series also adapted the CAPCOM game.

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