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Vatican Introduces New Mascot 'Luce' Designed by tokidoki Founder

posted on by Ken Iikura-Gross
She's no Buddy Christ, though

In what almost feels like a parody of the Kevin Smith film Dogma, the Catholic Church recently revealed a new mascot character for the upcoming Jubilee 2025 event at Vatican City and Expo 2025 at Osaka.

Image via www.youtube.com

Archbishop Rino Fisichella unveiled “Luce” (“light” in Italian) as the official mascot for the Holy See pavilion at Expo 2025 at the end of an October 28 press conference. The archbishop described Luce as (roughly translated), “A happy union between Christian symbols and Japanese culture." Simone Legno, the Italian co-founder of the popular Japan-inspired brand tokidoki, designed the character.

The Vatican News YouTube channel also posted a four-second animation of Luce waving at the audience that same day:

According to a Catholic News Agency report, Luce is debuting at the Lucca Comics and Games convention running between October 30 and November 3. The news agency also noted Luce will have “pilgrim friends” named Fe, Zin, and Sky, along with what appear to be a pet dog, helper angel, and friendly dove.

Image via www.catholicnewsagency.com

Although it's only been several days since the reveal, artists have already made fan art of the Holy See's new mascot:

I like her eyes and dirty shoes.

Sources: Vatican News – Italiano's YouTube channel (link 2), Catholic News Agency's website, Catholic News Agency's X/Twitter account, CatholicTV's X/Twitter account, @JAZZ_JACK_KHT's X/Twitter account, @estylon's X/Twitter account, @eye_no_kakumaku's X/Twitter account, @rifunaia's X/Twitter account, @hyxpk's X/Twitter account

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