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Netflix Adds Hajime no Ippo: New Challenger, Rising Anime

posted on by Alex Mateo
Stream marks Hajime no Ippo: New Challenger anime's 1st official U.S. release

Hajime no Ippo: New Challenger
Netflix has added Hajime no Ippo: New Challenger and Hajime no Ippo Rising, the sequels to the anime adaptation of George Morikawa's Hajime no Ippo manga, in the United States on Friday. Both anime are streaming in Japanese with English subtitles, as well as subtitles in other languages.

This marks the first official U.S. release of Hajime no Ippo: New Challenger, the first television sequel to the original anime.

Crunchyroll previously streamed Hajime no Ippo Rising, the second sequel, but it has since removed the episodes.

Netflix began streaming all 75 episodes of the first television anime in Japanese with English subtitles and with the original English dub last June. The extra 76th episode is also streaming only in Japanese with English subtitles.

The company describes the series:

Rescued from bullies by professional boxer Mamoru Takamura, young Ippo Makunouchi takes up boxing to pursue what it means to be strong.

The television anime adaptation of Morikawa's manga debuted in 2000, followed by the Hajime no Ippo: New Challenger sequel in 2009 and the Hajime no Ippo Rising sequel in 2013. The series also inspired the Hajime no Ippo - Champion Road special and the Hajime no Ippo - Mashiba vs. Kimura original video anime in 2003. Geneon Entertainment released the first television anime season on DVD under the name Fighting Spirit in North America before the company ceased operations in 2007.

Discotek licensed the first anime and is releasing the series on Blu-ray Disc. Crunchyroll is streaming the original anime adaptation and Hajime no Ippo Rising. Crunchyroll is also streaming the OVA and 76th episode. Neither the OVA nor the anime's 76th episode had been previously available in the U.S. and Canada until Crunchyroll added them. The 76th episode originally premiered on the final DVD for the original television anime series.

Morikawa launched Hajime no Ippo in 1989, and the series is his only manga. The series commemorated over 100 million copies in circulation in July 2023.

Kodansha started releasing the manga digitally in 2021. The manga's 142nd compiled book volume shipped on December 17.

The manga inspired its first stage play adaptation in 2020.

Source: Netflix via WTK

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