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Shay Guy

Joined: 03 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 11:42 pm Reply with quote
Despite its very familiar trappings, this variation on “reincarnated into a video game” predates the isekai craze by a few years in novel form, so technically speaking it can't be said to be rehashing the tropes and any feelings of familiarity are because they've become so ubiquitous in recent years.

It definitely predates the post-SAO-anime boom in published isekai, but I dunno how much credit I'd give it. The author first started posting it online in November 2010, when Log Horizon already had five volumes' worth of material and Knight's & Magic had finished its first arc. Looking at a copy of the website's home page from the day Leadale started, there's a list of the top 10 highest-ranked stories at the time:

  1. The Irregular at Magic High School
  2. Kuroi Ken no Isekai Tan
  3. Thunder Emperor of the Demon World
  4. Diary of an Incompetent Oni
  5. World Customize Creator
  6. A Dragon Slayer's Everyday Life
  7. My Adopted Sister Became the Hero
  8. Log Horizon
  9. I Don't Want to Be a Cheat Hero
  10. My Isekai Wanderer's Log (ed: looks like a Fallout fanfic?)

Seven of those are tagged "isekai" (or were, in the case of the ones that have since been deleted); two share Leadale's "strongest" tag, and three share its "cheat" tag. Four are also tagged "isekai transfer"; two are tagged "summoning". I'm willing to hazard a guess that even at the time, Leadale was pretty derivative of the other stuff being posted. That said, within a year it was #2 on the ranking, so it may have had more influence than I'm giving it credit for.

(Also, I really have to wonder why it took over eight years for it to be published as a light novel. By far the longest WN-to-LN gap I know of, nearly triple Mahouka's #2.)

sexual orientation, race, gender, or ethnicity

A profession is not comparable to any of these, even before we get into this particular profession's track record.
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Piglet the Grate

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 12:22 am Reply with quote
Gina Szanboti wrote:

I especially wanted to pound my head into the wall at how Mari somehow managed to get her foot caught under the track, and why she couldn't get free, but Shuta was able to just scoop her up in the nick of time (and free the dog!) like she was never wedged, without breaking her ankle or something. That whole thing was just too stupid to bear.

They should have had Mari's foot ripped off, then regenerate Eva/Angel/Titan style. Wink
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Joined: 22 Mar 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 1:25 am Reply with quote
zrdb wrote:
Police in a Pod was already done years ago-and vastly superior, the show was called "You're Under Arrest". Remember that?

And KochiKame did it better than You're Under Arrest. But more than one series about a certain topic can exist so I don't see the issue here. And those two are hardly the only police manga to have ever existed. Hakozume is popular and critically acclaimed so they decided to make both a live-action and an anime adaption of it. Seems pretty standard to me. Anyway, it'll be fun to compare the anime to the live-action version as it goes on. The J-drama was good so I expect this to be good as well.
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Joined: 24 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 2:29 am Reply with quote
Rebecca Silverman wrote:
My favorite thing about the episode would have to be the fact that neither Fuji nor Kawai are wearing sexualized police uniforms. Both women are dressed like real officers, with pants, the assorted weapons and gear on their belts, and flat shoes

09jcg wrote:
Surprised by the Police in the Pod hate. Its probably the single most realistic depiction of law enforcement I've ever seen. 90 percent of the job is writting tickets you really dont care about while people telling you to F-off

Miko Yasu, the mangaka for the series, was a long time police officer before settling down to make manga. She based the series on her real life experiences as a police woman so that's why it feels more grounded compared to other police anime. She wanted to help educate people on what policing is like beyond the typical overexaggerated police procedurals and dramas on television and in movies which is where part of the praise for the series comes from.
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 5:04 am Reply with quote
Posts deleted. Enough of ACAB. Any further posts will also be removed.
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Abraham Omosun

Joined: 05 Mar 2020
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 6:51 am Reply with quote
1st episode of Police in a Pod was okay. Some jokes were funny and the characters weren't annoying and had a nice back-and-forth but it it is also visually average (not still sure how feel about the eyes of the main characters). I really dislike that OP which was the only thing in the show I have strong feelings about. Giving it 2 more episodes to know if I'm dropping it
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Joined: 22 Dec 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 7:02 am Reply with quote
Am I the only one bothered by how in Tokyo 24-ku the protag knocked out his friends instantly despite how they didn't have the physical prowess to stop him in the first place, or how they just took off toward the train station despite how they all were together with their friend who's about to get run over by the train without a single word to her that might have solved the entire thing right then and there or how she got to the station before them? And more importantly, how no one mentions these glaringly flawed plot points and questionable actions by the characters?
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Piglet the Grate

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 7:27 am Reply with quote
BonusStage wrote:
Rebecca Silverman wrote:
My favorite thing about the episode would have to be the fact that neither Fuji nor Kawai are wearing sexualized police uniforms. Both women are dressed like real officers, with pants, the assorted weapons and gear on their belts, and flat shoes

Do sexualized female police uniforms exist outside of "naughty cosplay" (something one might buy from Ayame Sohma)?

BonusStage wrote:
Miko Yasu, the mangaka for the series, was a long time police officer before settling down to make manga. She based the series on her real life experiences as a police woman so that's why it feels more grounded compared to other police anime.

Wonder if those experiences included being hit on by the drunk father of her patrol partner? At least that is a way to inject some humor without introducing police incompetence.

BonusStage wrote:
She wanted to help educate people on what policing is like beyond the typical overexaggerated police procedurals and dramas on television and in movies which is where part of the praise for the series comes from.

Too bad - I wanted a chase scene similar to the one in Great Teacher Onizuka where a multi-lane freeway is filled with bumper-to-bumper police cars as far as the eye can see. Wink
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Joined: 11 Jun 2019
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 8:57 am Reply with quote
Without having seen anything, solely based on the reviews and the comments here:

Orient: So basically the Gintama setting, without parodying the shounen tropes but with taking them and turning them up to eleven instead. Pass.

Leadale: Gaming isekai staple food. Will most likely not have any appeal for those who aren't avid isekai fans. Pass.

Police in a Pod: Cute girls doing police things in a grounded way. I can't really say I'm interested in seeing an exploration of this profession if it doesn't come with some detective/mystery vibes for a hook. Pass. (Remember Samurai Flamenco? It had nice commentary on this before it burned and crashed to the ground!)

Tokyo 24th Ward: The only interesting prospect so far. Has some drawbacks that could end up either way but I am curious enough to check it out after the feedback.
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Joined: 29 Apr 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 9:22 am Reply with quote
the leadale flavour of isekai is more attractive to slice.of life fans than to isekai fans, just saying. also, wasn't she supposed to be an elf? i cant see her ears in the review captions.
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ANN Associate Editor

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:00 am Reply with quote
maximilianjenus wrote:
the leadale flavour of isekai is more attractive to slice.of life fans than to isekai fans, just saying. also, wasn't she supposed to be an elf? i cant see her ears in the review captions.

Yes, she is an elf. The points are pretty understated, which I do like.

Piglet the Grate wrote:
Do sexualized female police uniforms exist outside of "naughty cosplay" (something one might buy from Ayame Sohma)?

I meant specifically for anime - in the real world, I would hope that they don't exist outside of cosplay. But anime has been known to take liberties with such things, and I was pleased that it didn't here. Smile
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Yu Ominae

Joined: 21 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:29 am Reply with quote
Miko-san also had her first beat working in a koban, which I think was reflected nicely with Kawai. She did the script for the TV version by NTV/Hulu Japan.

The artwork done was based on Miko-san’s experience doing suspect sketching when she gets told to assist the witness.

PS - She read AOT and Saint Young Men.

PPS - She was an officer for 10 years before she started doing manga in 2017.

PPPS - Don’t bother asking for photos. She hides her face when she makes public appearances promoting Hakozume.
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Joined: 27 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 11:04 am Reply with quote
No mention of the "cute girls play golf" video, Sorairo Utility. Obviously the creative team for this show never played golf in their lives since our trio of high-school girls begin by teeing off on a 448-yard par four. Most amateur men don't play at distances like these; for women 350 yards is more common. Then there's the problem that the handicap numbers on the holes go up on the harder ones not down as they actually do.

The newcomer plays every shot with a "metal" club. As a beginner she should be using an easier-to-hit club like a seven-iron all the time, and spend a lot of time at the range.

Oh, and our trio plays two full rounds in a cart, which in Japan could easily cost a thousand dollars or more. Hope one of their daddies is a club member!
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Village Elder

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 12:12 pm Reply with quote
maximilianjenus wrote:
the leadale flavour of isekai is more attractive to slice.of life fans than to isekai fans, just saying. also, wasn't she supposed to be an elf? i cant see her ears in the review captions.

Cayna is a "high" elf (elven royality) hence the short but pointed ears. Normal (or I guess "low" elves) have longer pointed ears. She occasionally has to move her hair aside so people can figure out what she is.
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ANN Reviewer

Joined: 06 Jul 2015
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 12:15 pm Reply with quote
yuna49 wrote:
No mention of the "cute girls play golf" video, Sorairo Utility. Obviously the creative team for this show never played golf in their lives since our trio of high-school girls begin by teeing off on a 448-yard par four. Most amateur men don't play at distances like these; for women 350 yards is more common. Then there's the problem that the handicap numbers on the holes go up on the harder ones not down as they actually do.

The newcomer plays every shot with a "metal" club. As a beginner she should be using an easier-to-hit club like a seven-iron all the time, and spend a lot of time at the range.

Oh, and our trio plays two full rounds in a cart, which in Japan could easily cost a thousand dollars or more. Hope one of their daddies is a club member!

Since it's a one-shot, there's a separate individual review posted.
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