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Shabake Novels Get TV Anime in 2025

posted on by Crystalyn Hodgkins
Daiki Yamashita stars in adaptation of historical fantasy novel series

Aniplex announced on Monday that Megumi Hatakenaka's Shabake historical fantasy novel series is inspiring a television anime series that will debut in 2025.

Key visual for Shabake featuring 3 men in Edo-era clothing and topknots.
Image courtesy of Aniplex

The novels' story is set in Edo, and centers on a sickly but kind-hearted young man, and the mysterious spirit that watches over him.

Daiki Yamashita will star in the anime as Ichitarō.

Takahiro Ōkawa (unit director for Hula Fulla Dance, Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari both seasons) is directing the anime at BN Pictures. Touko Machida (Lucky Star, Smile Down the Runway) is overseeing the series scripts, Akari Minagawa (The Perfect Prince Loves Me, the Side Character?!) is designing the characters, and Rei Ishizuka (Ayakashi Triangle, The Orbital Children) is composing the music.

The first novel in the series debuted in 2001, with numerous sequel novels since then. The series has also inspired two live-action television series, manga, radio plays, stage plays, stage musicals, and picture books. An net anime adaptation of the novels streamed in July 2021. The net anime had a different cast and staff from this upcoming adaptation.

The novels have more than 10 million copies in circulation.

Hatakenaka's We Rent Tsukumogami (Tsukumogami Kashimasu) inspired a television anime in July 2018.

Disclosure: Bandai Namco Filmworks Inc. (Sunrise) is a non-controlling, minority shareholder in Anime News Network Inc.

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