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Disney+ Raises Monthly Pricing on Streaming Plans in U.S., Canada

posted on by Anita Tai
Subscription prices increased beginning October 17


Disney+ began raising prices for monthly subscriptions to its streaming platform beginning on October 17. The price for the subscription with ads rose from US$7.99 a month to US$9.99 a month. The price for its ad-free tier rose from US$13.99 to US$15.99. The Duo Basic plan, which includes Disney+ and Hulu, increased from US$9.99 to US$10.99, while the price for the Duo Premium plan remains the same at US$19.99.

Pricing in Canada for the monthly subscription with ads will rise one dollar beginning December 11.

Disney+ previously raised its prices and revealed plans to restrict password sharing for accounts in October 2023.

Paramount+ raised the prices of its subscription service on August 20. The Paramount+ with Showtime plan increased from US$11.99 to US$12.99 per month for all customers. The price of the Paramount+ Essential plan increased from US$5.99 to US$7.99 per month for all new subscribers. The Paramount+ Limited Commercial Plan rose from US$6.99 to US$7.99 for existing customers.

Max (formerly HBO Max) raised its prices on June 11. The monthly price for the ad-free plan rose from US$15.99 to US$16.99. The company also raised the price of the Ultimate Ad-Free tier from US$19.99 to US$20.99 per month. This marked the service's second price increase since launch, having raised the price in February 2023.

Sources: Deadline (Jill Goldsmith), email correspondence

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