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Comic-Con International to Stay in San Diego Through 2027

posted on by Alex Mateo
This year's event takes place from July 24-27 at San Diego Convention Center

San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria announced on Tuesday that Comic-Con International has signed an agreement to stay in San Diego through 2027.

Gloria said, "Comic-Con is part of San Diego's identity, and I couldn't be more thrilled to announce that it will remain here through 2027. This event is not just a celebration of creativity and fandom – it's a major economic driver for our city, supporting local businesses and showcasing San Diego on a global stage. We're proud to continue this incredible partnership and look forward to welcoming fans from all over the world."

Last year, the convention had agreed to stay in San Diego through 2026.

This year's event will take place from July 24-27 at the San Diego Convention Center with a preview night on July 23.

Last year's Comic-Con International San Diego took place from July 25 to July 28. In 2024, the event produced an estimated US$160 million with over US$3 million in hotel and sales tax revenues for San Diego. Tax revenues from visitors benefit residents by funding services such as public safety and street repair.

The annual convention started in San Diego in 1970, but has grown in size from a few hundred attendees each year to more than 135,000, which has historically stretched the capacity limits of San Diego Convention Center and the city's hotels.

Sources: SDCC Unofficial Blog, Inside San Diego (Kerry Dixon)

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