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Bushiroad, Hakama's Progress Orders Game Posts Opening Movie

posted on by Anita Tai
Game launches for Switch, PC via Steam on April 10

Bushiroad released the official opening movie for developer Hakama's upcoming fantasy guild management game PROGRESS ORDERS on Friday.

The trailer features the opening theme song "DIVINE" by Ave Mujica.

The game will launch for the Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam on April 10 in Japan (April 9 in the west).

The Steam page describes the game:

The protagonist, who has been alone, is led to the guild after finding a letter from thegrandfather. Though the grandfather is nowhere to be found at the guild, the protagonist decides to work there in search of more clues. Through a ritual to become the guild staff member, the protagonist gains the ability of “Clairvoyance”, which allows seeing and hearing through the eyes of others.

Players will take control of a male or female protagonist to manage the day-to-day business of a fantasy guild responsible for the wellbeing and dungeon-crawling adventures of various heroes. Players will also be able to develop relationships with six adventurers and explore their personal stories.

Hakama is the game studio behind the Rune Factory franchise, among other titles.

Source: Bushiroad's YouTube channel via Gematsu

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