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Crunchyroll Confirms Some Login Credentials Were Posted on Social Media; States There is 'No Evidence' its Systems Were Compromised

posted on by Crystalyn Hodgkins
Company states it has "resolved the issue," "secured affected accounts"

A Crunchyroll spokesperson released a statement to Anime News Network on Friday, after rumors spread on social media on Thursday that many usernames and passwords of Crunchyroll Premium subscribers were allegedly posted on social media.

Crunchyroll's full statement reads:

We are aware that login credentials for several streaming services, including Crunchyroll, were posted on social media and have resolved the issue. We have secured the affected accounts, investigated the situation and determined that there is no evidence that Crunchyroll's systems have been compromised. Crunchyroll encourages subscribers to diversify and change passwords regularly and keep them confidential. For any questions regarding account security, fans can visit our Customer Service Help Page.

On Thursday, a now-deleted post on X/Twitter from user "@therealwilsn" allegedly featured a list of usernames and passwords from "Crunchyroll Premium" accounts. Several accounts on X/Twitter then stated they saw their usernames and passwords on the list, although ANN could not verify this information.

The "@therealwilsn" account on X/Twitter has since been suspended.

Source: E-mail correspondence

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