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2.5 Dimensional Seduction
Episode 14

by Grant Jones,

How would you rate episode 14 of
2.5 Dimensional Seduction ?
Community score: 3.6


Episode 14 satisfactorily resolves Nonoa's insecurity issues, though I can't deny I wish they had let this conflict build up longer.

Remember last week when I said I hoped this was a recurring theme for a little while with Nonoa? The me of seven days ago was so foolish and naive, what a buffoon. Yes folks, Nonoa basically works through her major hurdles to friendship this week and joins the cast proper by becoming friends with Ririsa. I don't have any major issues with how it was handled or the resolution per se, but I just can't help but think there was more time they could have let this one simmer to really build up to Nonoa making her first friend.

Of course, that is more my own expectations rather than anything this week's episode does poorly. Nonoa and Okumura have a fine chat and then there's a big cosplay photoshoot section and we get a heartfelt wrapup with Ririsa. Pretty by the numbers at this point, with a slight preview of Mikari re-entering the picture next week on her new scheme. I didn't necessarily find the discussion with Nonoa and Okumura all that compelling, but it was serviceable enough.

The real star of this week's episode was the final sequence where Nonoa confronts her inner self. Nonoa having to argue with her past self about whether or not to even try befriending Ririsa was quite well done. The little details stood out most of all: being unable to see her past self's eyes, the color differences between current Nonoa and the old classroom, the way the green energy started to rise as her determination increased, etc. It all made for a meaningful moment of self-actualization for Nonoa and I appreciated that. As someone who has often had to debate the misconceptions of my past self, it resonated with me for sure.


Grant is the cohost on the Blade Licking Thieves podcast and Super Senpai Podcast.

2.5 Dimensional Seduction is currently streaming on HIDIVE.

Disclosure: Kadokawa World Entertainment (KWE), a wholly owned subsidiary of Kadokawa Corporation, is the majority owner of Anime News Network, LLC. Yen Press, BookWalker Global, and J-Novel Club are subsidiaries of KWE.

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