BLUE LOCK 2nd Season
Episode 30
by MrAJCosplay,
How would you rate episode 30 of
BLUE LOCK 2nd Season (TV 2) ?
Community score: 3.9

There's, unfortunately, nothing much to say about this episode because it is as straightforward a setup episode as possible. About eighty percent of this episode is the slow dramatic build-up to the match between Blue Lock and the U-10, as there are less than twenty-four hours left on the clock with tensions rising all around. There's tension between Sae and the team captain of U2, Oliver, who has made his presence known as probably one of the more prominent rivals throughout this arc. Isagi even bookends the episode by claiming that he will catalyze the changes during this match. I like that we get a little bit of Oliver's personality and background before we even get into the match properly. He is the captain of a very defensive team and it seems like a lot of responsibilities are pushed on him regarding the players and the expectations of those that organize the match. You can tell he's stressed, but trying to make the best of the situation. These are very relatable qualities and make him very human in a very short time.
This episode feels like it's winding a guitar string very slowly. You know it's a necessary practice, but you feel the tension with every waking moment. This is an opportunity for the players to prove themselves, but to everybody else, this is an exciting event to look forward to. I like seeing some of the parents and adults show up on the field and even have official Blue Lock merchandise, showing that this is a promotion event first and foremost. However, it's up to the people on the field to make it more than just a promotion event. This is also a good opportunity to see if I was right about the animation quality being saved for when the match starts. The art is amazing and this episode had some of my favorite music tracks in the show so far. But now the engine is revved up and it's time to see exactly where we are going.
AJ also streams regularly on Twitch as the indie Vtuber Bolts The Mechanic where they talk about and play retro media!
BLUE LOCK 2nd Season is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.
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