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BLUE LOCK 2nd Season
Episode 35

by MrAJCosplay,

How would you rate episode 35 of
BLUE LOCK 2nd Season (TV 2) ?
Community score: 4.0


Team Blue Lock is being pushed back into a corner now that Ryusei has had his awakening, and I say awakening in more ways than one. This episode takes the suggestive comments Ryusei made in the last episode and cranks them up to eleven. His philosophy of equating scoring goals with a person's primal desire to impregnate and leave a legacy behind is very interesting. That seems to hammer home the idea that this guy is just a walking amalgamation of pure primal instinct. He's not thinking of tactics, he's not thinking of teamwork, he is just going where all his senses naturally tell him to go, so it makes sense that he is one of the first people on the field to unlock his flow state. He is driven purely by instinct and desire, but now he's on a team that feeds into that instead of challenging it.

So how do you fight a beast? Well, you're bringing in a different beast and it looks like that pressure will force everybody to unlock a flow state of their own. This episode might have one of my favorite line deliveries in the entire series thus far right before that moment, though. I love the desperation that Isagi demonstrates from watching his opponent ascend to a level he has been trying to reach since the beginning of the match. When he asks Ego what they're supposed to do and Ego more or less gives a dismissive statement about how it doesn't really matter what happens next because he basically accomplished most of what he wanted to do with his research, Isagi tells him that he doesn't care about any of that.

Egoists aren't concerned about what happens after the present, all they are concerned about is winning at the moment. It doesn't matter if there's a safety net beyond this point, all they want to focus on is scoring goals and succeeding the way that they want to succeed. In many ways, Isagi denounces Ego's presence while also giving Ego the exact response that he should want from an egoist. I want more moments like this where the dialogue is really leaning into that selfish, egotistical desire, and considering that everybody is on the path to experiencing that flow state, maybe there'll be more moments like that in-store soon.


AJ also streams regularly on Twitch as the indie Vtuber Bolts The Mechanic where they talk about and play retro media!

BLUE LOCK 2nd Season is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.

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