Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines!
Episode 11
by Grant Jones,
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Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! ?
Community score: 4.3

Episode 11 of Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! serves as a wakeup call for our protagonist.
Nukumizu learns a rather essential lesson this week regarding how to treat others. Obviously, he has only been trying to help thus far, and mostly doing a good job. He does not seem like a selfish or self-serving person in most regards, and that's all well and good. With that said, though, dealing with other people's interpersonal situations and trying to help - while you yourself are still involved in many of those same scenarios - can often be messy business. This is especially true when everyone involved is a teenager, still learning their way in the world and gaining much needed life experience.
Nukumizu comes face to face with the fact that his intentions are not more important than other people's actual feelings. He may be trying to help Komari, but he is not actually helping her, to put it both bluntly and confusingly. He has taken this idea of helping Komari succeed and separated it from her as a person. Nukumizu wants Komari to be successful on his terms, in his timing, and by his metrics - which is not what Komari actually wants. As such, he gets a hard ego check this week and realizes the hard way that other people are, in fact, their own selves. Even if we all know that Nukumizu is a protagonist in a show, he is just another person in a big world full of other people with their own dreams, ambitions, and needs.
It was nice that there was a positive resolution at the end as well. I liked everyone gathered together and laughing on the rooftop, it made for a wholesome end to what had been an emotionally messy episode. The kind sentiment about relationships being temporary but something we treasure while we experience them was a great bow to tie on the whole experience.
Grant is the cohost on the Blade Licking Thieves podcast and Super Senpai Podcast.
Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.
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