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![]() Posts: 327 Location: Hungary |
Just a heads-up, links are broken for both reviews.
Posts: 660 |
I wondering will nearly all of this spring's animes have 11, 12(mostly) or 13 episodes like this year's winter animes? I think only 1 or 2 spring animes will have 24-26 episodes( Only 2 winter animes have 2 non-split cours are A Certain Scientific Railgun season 3 and Plunderer) Animes with 24-26 is become uncommon nowadays.( And in the few years it will become a rarity)
![]() Posts: 2632 Location: Germany |
The schedule:
I was once again shocked to see how many totally unknown studios there are who are pumping out anime and how many of the shows are staffed by first time or barely experienced directors/writers after looking at the main credits. This industry is bursting at the seams. The season itself ain´t bad though so let´s start with the better also-rans: Arte is ok but better art/history/mono no aware manga are more worthy of adaptions. Kakushigoto is alright but it is one of Kumeta´s also ran works. The Doraemon studio did this, huh. Nami yo Kiite Kure is also ok and it´s hilarious that this Sunrise show is destined to outclass the laughable but technically "completely adapted" Blade of the Immortal 2019/20 by the same author. There is even going to be an "experimental" 4k anime by IG on Netflix named Sol Levante that no one can bother to explain so I ain´t too hyped. BNA: Brand New Animal (what a name) lost me after ep 2 so it fits right into Trigger´s oeuvre and into the overall bland Netflix anime lineup. 5/10 Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 Everyone has an opinion here, don´t they. The mo-capped CG is well animated and looks mostly good but also cheap in parts. The 2 directors (Mr. SAC is back) know their craft and SSS was a rather random way to end it so it will be up to the scripts to make this sink or swim. But isn´t it always. I remain reasonably optimistic as I liked this team´s Ultraman reboot despite the breakneck pacing. Listeners has a solid director, is done by MAPPA and has an actually good writer. His pen committed the Tekken CG film and the new Eureka 7 film reboots but let´s look past that. The premise is… very anime. It´s about music saving a near post-apocalyptic society that forgot it. This could work but I also said that about the similar-ish Carole & Tuesday (what was that show even about?) and the industry screams for actually good original anime. These grew rare. Dorohedoro: Ma no Omake consists of 6 5 min bonus OVAs. Better than nothing. The Altered Carbon: Resleeved CG film is alright and looks nice but don´t expect much from the hurried script. A watch-it-and-forget-it production and don´t bother with show´s 2nd season. Dragon Quest: Your Story is as messy as it´s reputation but it sure looks nice. Game adaptations are cursed. Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 will finally release this season. The opening 10 minutes were trash and I just want to move past this. Cider no Yō ni Kotoba ga Wakiagaru, another Dai Sato joint, might turn out ok to say something positive. All in all a shoddy looking movie/OVA season. |
Posts: 149 |
As a fan of the franchise, that first episode of Tower of God felt botched, and I hope it does not turn people away from it. However, it was really interesting to read the reviewers' thoughts, as they are clearly not acquainted with the story. Most of their guesses are wrong, so I suppose there is still hope.
Posts: 175 |
LMAO Man, why da f didn't they put shadows on some of The characteres? It looks like they were made on Paint... The art-style of ToG is so trash... #FeelsBadMan |
![]() Posts: 980 |
Tower of God felt like a mess to me unfortunately. I'll revisit it later if word of mouth is good, but I could barely finish the episode with such a breakneck pace.
Posts: 3472 |
I feel like the nicest thing you can say about tower of god is that it's a generic shonen...
I get wanting to front load information, but that doesn't mean you need to have character walk in, go "hey this is the main character" and then just exposition drop him and give him a bunch of power too. And why give Bam some super power like? Why not have him use some power he earned in some way. Now all his success will just be because he got the sword for free and anybody else could have done it if they also had been lucky. I'm guessing this is one of those "Oh it gets way better later on", but I doubt I'll be around that long. |
Posts: 592 |
Watched the early screening of AppareRanman it's enjoyable and the cast is eccentric to say the least. Hopefully this is one of the next reviews out and is selected for weekly write ups.
Looking forward to Wave! and Listeners to see how those are recieved. |
Posts: 660 |
Noticed that Crunchyroll over promoted Tower of God -- A LOT... while Crunchyroll lose most of spring animes to Funimation including Kaguya-Sama season 2. CrunchyFlop.
Last edited by ErikaD.D on Thu Apr 02, 2020 2:45 am; edited 1 time in total |
Posts: 2 |
They tried to fit like 6 or so chapters from the webtoon into one episode, and it's clear that it kind of doesn't work, especially since they cut out a lot of context and narration from other characters. I feel like when I read this it was a lot clearer. Both Headon and Evan make it clear that the addition of the sword isn't really that important. It's the fact that he faced a challenge that was way too difficult for him that is important. |
![]() Posts: 7433 Location: Maine |
For Tower of God I actually liked the animation, it's stylistically different but I couldn't see anywhere I would say it was poorly animated. It seemed largely consistent which I can't say about a lot of major titles. Story wise, the first part with the doors is going to need some explaining, the second part fighting with the monster I liked, but the third part fighting to reduce numbers before moving on in some sort of unexplained tournament was lifted wholesale from Hunter x Hunter (and Naruto to an extent). I'll keep watching unless it does something unforgivable like with Cautious Hero or Plunderer.
Also, just going off all of the promo art going around I really thought Bam was a girl up until he spoke. I guess I let myself down for thinking we were actually getting a rare female lead in a shonen style action series. Emerje |
![]() Posts: 907 |
My thoughts exactly. It's been a long time since I read ToG (I just stopped somewhere in season 2 to let the chapters pile up) but I felt like this episode really laid down a lot of jargon and world-building in too short a timespan. I could almost imagine large panels of text as they tried to cram in a lot of details that should have come more naturally. Yuri seemed so... subdued here, I was expecting her to be really expressive because it's anime and was imagining a Rin like tsundere personality but she felt so flat. I could go on but really it'd just be repeating that the pacing seems rushed, here's to hoping that the animators realize this series is a marathon, not a sprint. Hopefully the rest of the series will be better, next episode features one of my favourite characters, if his loud and abrasive personality is downplayed... I won't have much hope for the future. |
ANN Reviewer
![]() Posts: 1440 |
My problem with Tower of God is that it seemed to want me to already be invested in Bam and Rachel's relationship when we know basically nothing about either of them. I don't know what Rachel's personality or motivation or even really what her relationship with Bam was like since we see them on screen for all of 45 seconds together. Meanwhile Bam barely says a word outside of how much he wants to see Rachel again, to where characters who just met him have to tell the audience what his character is all about. I'm fine with establishing mysteries and leaving things for later in a premiere, but when the main emotional hook is our hero chasing after someone important to him, I need something to grab onto, and ToG gave me nothing.
Tamayomi, on the other hand, was just a burp of a premiere. Going through the motions of a sports narrative with none of the polish or energy needed to sell it. Also maybe it's just me but it felt like the voice acting was really stiff - like nearly every voice actress was having to perform a full register above their natural speaking voice, and it made the first twin sound really uncanny. |
![]() Posts: 3804 |
This trend began after the recession hit in 2008-2009. Production committees became much more risk-averse and less willing to commit to two-cour runs. Now they're more likely to test the waters with an 11-13 episode series and serve up a second helping if it proves popular. Remember that most production committees see anime as a method of advertising the adapted material and maybe selling a few toys or other branded goods along the way. Recently director Akane Kazuki (Noein, Stars Align) complained about how most producers had little interest in anime-original series for the same reason, echoing comments made by Iso Mitsuo (Dennou Coil) about a dozen years ago (inside the "part 1b" spoiler). |
Posts: 3472 |
As much as it suck that anime are getting shorter, I've been re watching older anime lately (shock, almost like I'm locked home with nothing to do) and it feel like committees would just green light literally anything with a minimum of 24 episodes, regardless of whether or not it needed it. I didn't realize at the time but some show had glacial pace. I started watching zettai shounen and barely anything happens in the first two episodes, today the same content would have been done in half an episodes (and it would still have felt slow pace). The changes is nice, but I'm glad anime are tighter nowaday (notwithstanding info dump like ToG). Some of the stuff that came out was crazy, production IG has a tons of show where it feel like every 2 episodes had the same production value as your average show nowadays and I can't figure out how it even got green lighted much less given 2 cour, like real drive or ghost hound. |
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