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Crunchyroll Removes Comments From News Articles, Anime Episodes

posted on by Rafael Antonio Pineda

Image courtesy of Crunchyroll
Crunchyroll disabled the user comments section on its service, including in both its news articles and anime video pages, on July 8, saying that it "prioritize[s] creating a safe and respectful community environment," encouraging users to instead use its star rating system to express opinions.

ANN can confirm the comments have been removed from newly posted news articles and anime episodes, as well as from past anime episodes and past news articles posted before July 8.

ANN reached out to Crunchyroll for comment, and a spokesperson provided ANN with the same comment shared on its help page (quoted above).

ANN asked Crunchyroll about the reason for the change, and the company declined to comment. ANN also asked Crunchyroll if the change had anything to do with homophobic comments left on the premiere episode of the boys love anime Twilight Out of Focus, which debuted on July 5, and the company similarly declined to comment.

Sources: Crunchyroll, Email correspondence

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