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FLCL Progressive, FLCL Alternative Anime Films Reveal Video, Visual

posted on by Jennifer Sherman
Compilation films premiere in Japan on September 7, 28

TOHO began streaming a promotional video for the compilation films of the FLCL Progressive and FLCL Alternative anime on Wednesday. The video previews the pillows' theme songs "Star overhead" and "spiky seeds."

The anime's official website also revealed a new key visual drawn by character designer Yoshiyuki Sadamoto.

Advance tickets for the films will go on sale in Japan on Friday. People who purchase advance tickets will receive one of three guitar pick-shaped key holders.

In Japan, the anime will debut in theatrical screenings, with FLCL Alternative opening first on September 7, and FLCL Progressive opening on September 28. An advance limited-edition Blu-ray disc for each film will be available in theaters the same day that the films premiere. The releases will bundle acrylic stands shaped like Haruko's guitar and Raharu's bass.

FLCL Progressive's English-dubbed television version premiered on June 3 on Adult Swim's Toonami block.

Adult Swim describes FLCL Progressive as follows:

FLCL Progressive tells the story of 14-year-old Hidomi, her classmate Ide, and two otherworldly beings, "Jinyu" and "Haruha Raharu," who are determined to unlock their hidden potential. Mixed up in this is an all-powerful force known as "ATOMSK," a gorgeous vintage car… and a certain Vespa Scooter.

FLCL Alternative, the second new series, is slated for September on Toonami. At the request of TOHO, Toonami delayed the English-subtitled streams of both FLCL Progressive and FLCL Alternative until November.

Sources: FLCL Progressive and FLCL Alternative anime's website, TOHO animation YouTube channel, Comic Natalie

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